Keto/Sobriety Blog March 8, 2025

Weight: 336.6 lbs ( 152.7 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Steak and Eggs Lunch: Bacon Cheeseburger Soup Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 20) Sober Month 2 (Day 81) YMCA: No Causation or correlation? I have cottage cheese and hot dogs one day for lunch, the next day the weight is up. I have a recipe that I have saved for lunch the weight is down. I have Jalapeno cheesy sausages for lunch, the next day the weight is up. It's still among the lowest weigh ins for the year. And I'm still down 10 lbs for the year. I think starting tomorrow I'll start doing the tracking in my phone app again. Maybe start going back to the YMCA on Monday. I wont go tomorrow because with their Sunday hours they are only open while I'm at work. I'm thinking of trying to get into a habit of going into the weight room Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Maybe going to swim on Tuesday...

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 6, 2025

Weight: 341.0 lbs ( 154.7 kg)
BMI: 43.8
Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm)
WtHr: 77.7%

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Broccoli Soup
Dinner: Bone In Strip Steak
Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Powerade Zero Orange, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot

Keto Week 2 (Day 18)
Sober Month 2 (Day 79)

Woke up with a bit of a headache. And when I sat up it felt like my head was wobbling, I'm guessing it's allergies. I love spring, but spring does have an effect on my sinuses. 

I was excited when I checked my bank account this morning because Roommate's half of the rent that he pays me through PayPal had came through. It is fun that the Rent Check will come in later next week and I'll still have money in my savings accounts.  

Weight and Waist are both up to a frustrating level. I get that there are daily fluctuations but being up 4.2 lbs up for the day wipes out the progress for the month. Same with the waist being up 1.5 inches. I'm still down 5.7 lbs and 1 inch for the year. But I was getting excited because the weight was finally back down under the average for the long spreadsheet. The spreadsheet that I call Full Weight Tracking and Projection has data going back to 2014 and the average weight on there is 337.35 lbs. I know that happiness is not a number on the scale, but it was nice to be under the full average. The average for 2025 is 345.2. So still under the average for the year. And way under the average for January and February.

I'm going to blame the cottage cheese and hot dogs that I had yesterday for lunch. There have been days when I had Hot Dogs for lunch and the next day I'm up in weight, and there have been days when I've had Cottage Cheese for lunch and the next day I'm up in weight. And I had both yesterday. 

Today's lunch was a serving of Broccoli Soup that I had in the fridge from last week. It was a bit better than the last couple of servings that I've had of that soup. Maybe it sat long enough to get good, but not long enough to go bad? Maybe I was just really hungry.

Maybe TMI I've been peeing a lot the last day or two so maybe I had something that interrupted Ketosis? Perhaps it's that “fat breaks down into water, water leaves the body”, cycle that I was talking about the other day. The watch scan says that all three scans Muscle, Fat, and Water are all up. I'll just have to chalk (chock?) it up to daily fluctuations and you'll drive yourself nuts trying to explain them. Kind of why you're not supposed to do daily weigh ins.

I came across a video comparing Marvel's Superhero Thor to his Mythological version. And in one of the movies he was drinking beer. The review commented that Thor would more than likely have been drinking Mead. That kind of makes me want to try mead. But I don't want that to be a road back into drinking again. Because I know that it would be. That thought reminded me of the liquors that I did drink before I just stuck with beer. It did kind of make me miss Gin. I didn't drink much of that but it was pretty good. I didn't really like the taste of Whiskey. It did have a nice warmth to it, but it was just so expensive. Vodka worked, but when I drank that it didn't last long (even when I bought the big gallon bottle). I've only had tequila once or twice, but it always made me throw up. That's a lot of thinking about stuff I don't do anymore and never want to do again. The problem that I had wasn't with the hard liquor, it was the fact that I'd buy more beer each day and drink all of it and get some more the next day (if not later that night) But if I start drinking the expensive stuff I'll just go back to the cheep stuff that I could just get at the store. Kind of glad that I live in a state where you can't get liquor at a grocery store because I'm pretty sure that I'd still be at “Day 0, totally going to get back to it tomorrow” that paragraph that long implies that I spent more of the day thinking about that than I did. But that was the thought that I had. 

I bought more steaks after work I was planning on doing inventory of the freezer and getting a meal plan together. But I was way too tired. It doesn't take long to do it. I'll try to do that  


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