
Showing posts with the label nachos

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Motivated Into Action Daily Sobritey Blog November 5, 2023

Weight: 342 lbs (155.1 kg) BMI: 43.9 Waist: 57. in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% OMAD: Nachos Drinks: Couple cups of coffee with cream, 8 cans Diet Mt Dew, 8 Cans Diet Dr Pepper Weeks Without Beer 2 (15 Days)      Spent the first part of the day getting a Weekly Weigh In video done. Had a hard time getting the thoughts together. It was really quite distracting that the weight was up so much today. It shouldn't be a surprise that I weighed more today than I did last week as I overate on Mac and cheese and chicken breast last night for dinner. It is a frustration that once again I was up a rather large amount in the day I weighed in and it put me over the previous weigh in just a little bit. Today I was up 4.8 pounds for the day, but only 1.6 pounds for the week. Last time this happened I was up 5.8 pounds in one day and it put me up 2.2 pounds for that week. Seriously, why does this only happen on Sunday's when I'm doing the Weekly Weigh In?      I got the oth...

Paid the Utilities Today Daily Keto Blog April 11, 2023

Weight: 331.4 lbs ( 150.3 kg) BMI: 42.5 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: leftover Nachos Lunch: Grilled Pork Steaks Dinner: Those were really big steaks      My brain just went flat after work last night. The first half of the day went just fine and smooth for those five hours, but when I came back for the remaining three hours people had just went bonkers. I think people had realized that it was a holiday weekend and they hadn't planed on anything after the weekend so they had to catch up. And I have a theory that the more people in an area, the dumber the individual person in the area and people were reinforcing that theory. Had nachos for dinner last night because I was really in the mood for some comfort food. But the corn chips I picked up were “Guacamole” flavored. But were just a nasty sour salt flavor. I do like very salty corn chips, but these had a really sour flavor.      Paid the natural gas and electricity bills today. Th...

Forgot to click publish Daily Blod March 14, 2023

Weight: 339.2 lbs ( 153.9 kg) BMI: 43.5 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Linner: Nachos Drinks: Pot of coffee with cream, case of Bud Ice      Well I was going to save half of the taco salad that I made yesterday for lunch today but I was mouth hungry last night so I finished off the salad last night; probably why I'm up so high on the weigh in this morning. That and the mac and cheese that I've had over the last couple of days. That's the thing about Keto, it does great while you're doing it, but it sucks when you're not. It is kind of crazy that I'm up 9 pounds (4 kg) in three days. I'm going to have nachos this evening and that's the last of the food that I had the coupons for today and tomorrow I'll be back on the diet. I'm just blown away by the 9lbs in three days. I have been sitting down most of the last several days. So I haven't been good on either of the weight loss theories (Calories in/out or Ket...

Daily Blog February 13, 2023

Weight: 332 lbs ( 150.6 kg) BMI: 42.6 Waist: 55.5 in ( 141 cm) WtHr: 75% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Nachos Dinner: “” Drinks: Pot of Coffee, ~4500ml water    Yeah, the indicator light is blinking on the heater again. :( At least it made me get out of bed earlier. It is strange to wake up before the sun. The east is a beautiful gold and blue. I'd say sunsets are prettier though. There is kind of a sense of hope seeing the gradual increase of light, and there was a moment when the sun rose over the horizon that the world was kind of filled with a golden light. It's just so damn early. Landlord said that he'll be out later this afternoon.    I wonder what is causing the latest ups on the scales. I know that fluctuations happen. But that's a big up in the last two days. I thought yesterday's up was because I was wearing clothes for the video, but that can't be the case for today. I wonder if it's because of the Jonsonville sausages that I have eate...

Just Coasted Through 9-3-2022

Weight: 354 lbs ( 160.6 kg) BMI: 45.4 Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: X Lunch: Leftover Nachos Dinner: X Snacks: Doritos, munched on for most of the afternoon Drinks: 5x Milwaukee's Best Ice 24oz beer mood: stable Again I wasn't very productive today. I did buy a few more ingredients for making the Keto recipes that I want to make. but then just sat around not doing anything. I did thaw out my freezer to keep the stuff in my refrigerator from rotting. But by the time I had the freezer thawed out it was too late in the evening to eat anything so I didn't eat anything for dinner.

Hopeful Daily Blog 9-2-2022

Weight: 354.8 lbs (160.9 kg) BMI: 45.5 Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: X Lunch: Lamb Shoulder Steak Dinner: Nachos Drinks: 12 pk Samuel Adams Octoberfest mood: hopeful      Skipped breakfast again. I did not sleep well last night, not well at all. I went to bed at a reasonable time, but just flopped like a fish the entire night. And when I did wake up properly in the morning I took a while to lay there and enjoy that I had a day off, and day off with a day off to follow. I did get some dishes cleaned      September is technically the start of autumn even though it is still getting up into the 90's F (30's C) Thinking of that I was in the mood for some Chili so I went to the store to buy the ingredients for Instant Pot Chili. That is my favorite chili recipe that I have came across so far.      I grabbed some other things that I wasn't planning for as well. In example I picked up a Lamb Shoulder steak, thinkin...

Daily Blog May 3, 2022

Weight: 351.6 lbs (159.2 kg) BMI: 45.1 Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 78% Breakfast: Egg Stuff Lunch: “” Dinner: Nachos Soda: Diet Pepsi mood: relived I did NOT sleep well last night. I wrote that I drank a 2 liter of Pepsi zero on yesterday's blog, but after I posted that I drank the better part of a 2 liter of diet Pepsi, and WOW. I flipped and flopped until probably 4 in the morning. I really need to stop drinking pop. The money I withdrew from my stocks landed in my checking account before the checks I wrote to pay my electric and gas bills last week. That was my main concern for the last week or two. Sure I technically had enough in my checking account to account for those two checks. But it was getting TIGHT. It got so tight I had even suspended my YouTube plus subscription. I thought about turning it back on, but no watching a month of ads on YouTube is going to be my punishment for letting my finances get so bad. Made a video on how to make Egg Stu...

At least I woke up in a good mood. 10-1-20

Weight: oops, forgot to weigh in before breakfast (Not sure what that is in metric) Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) Breakfast: Rib-eye Lunch: x Dinner: Nachos I love when the first day of the month is on a Thursday. I get paid on Thursdays and I like paying all of my monthly bills on the first of the month. So I have all my bills paid for the month, money in my checking, money in both of my savings, and a fridge full of food. Weather switched back to cool fall weather. Life is pretty damn good for me. Or at least it was before I went to work. I thought that we were done with the “Here Catch Training Strategy” at work. It had been a long time since they just threw something at us with a “Don't worry you'll figure it out” kind of attitude. They were getting good at training us for things, as well as doing follow up training every couple of years. But today someone, somewhere decided that the first of the month was the best day to install a new register system. I would lik...

A body at rest 9-26-20

  Weight: 362.2 lbs Waist: 58 in Breakfast: leftover chili mac Lunch: Deli Baked chicken, Sugar Free Rockstar energy Dinner: kind of had nacho's without chips Snack: Fritos corn chips   Finished off the last of the soda that I had leftover. Hoping that I don't buy anymore. Didn't pick up any beer after work so that is a start. Did pick up a couple of 2 litters of diet soda with groceries tonight. Little disappointed with that. I finished the chili that cooked the other night and for dinner tonight I tried to make some sort of Mexican dinner mix. Ground a pound of hamburger, added a pack of taco seasoning and a small container of the Velveeta brick cheese. It ended up making something a lot like what I call Nachos. My nachos really is the same with a large brick of Velveeta. I'm always up to eat a bowl of cheese, but it really wasn't what I was going for. Something was really off with me this morning and early afternoon before work. I went to bed around m...