
Showing posts with the label 151 cm waist

Just Trying to get going August 24, 2022

Weight: 358 lbs (162.4 kg) BMI: 46 Waist: 59.5 (148.6 cm) WtHr: 80.4% Breakfast: Leftover nacho cheese Lunch: x Dinner: Ribs snacks: Corn chips with a jar of Queso Drinks: 2L Diet Mt Dew. 12Pk Samuel Adams Sweater Weather Beer, 12 pk Bud lite next mood: low I am using a whole lot of effort to write this out. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. And I have been “resting” way too much. It is frustrating that I can't seem to get the energy to do anything outside of going to work and sitting at my desk watching YouTube. But I just can't seem to get anything done. My “Sabbath” is supposed to be on Tuesday. And the last week or two I've worked on Tuesday. And had a different day off. And lately I've only had one day off per week. I don't want to complain about the overtime. I do need to save up for a very important financial situation that I need to resolve. This is a financial position that I swore that I would never fall into again. And I have to say I am reall