
Showing posts with the label bud light

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

FIrst half of the day was awesome Daily Blog May 31, 2023

Weight: 329.6 lbs ( 149.5 kg) BMI: 42.3 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Lasagna Soup Dinner: Burger patties (grilled), Mac and cheese Drinks: couple cups of coffee; ~3600ml water, 6pk Bud Light      Woke up in a good mood. With the recipe videos that I recorded yesterday and the inventory I took of the freezer, I am stocked up with food for the next month and a half. So if I stick with the discipline for the next month and a half the only food I'll have to buy is bacon, coffee, and cream for said coffee. And the only dishes I'll have to do is cleaning off the pan I cook bacon in and rinsing off the bowls/silverware of the leftovers. That is if I have the discipline to stick with this plan. I know that it is a good plan because it worked before. I just didn't have the discipline to stick to it.      The “After Vacation anger” that I was expecting on Sunday showed up today after lunch. I'm not sure how much of i...

Mouth Hungry Daily Blog March 16, 2023

Weight: 336.4 lbs ( 153.1 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Not hungry Lunch: Ribs Dinner: BBQ Slow Cooked Chuck Roast Drinks: Pot of Coffee, 12 pk Bud Light    When I woke up this morning I was going to cook up some bacon and eggs like I normally do, but I really wasn't hungry. I convinced myself that I was just cooking breakfast out of habit. And when I started writing this out I started getting hungry, but I'm pretty sure that's just because I'm thinking about food. I call this effect “Mouth Hungry” a quick google search shows that “Mouth Hungry” is a term used by other people and has different meanings for what I've used it for. But it is important to remember that physical hunger is different from emotional and/or mental for taste of hunger.      Strange weather today. When I woke up it was almost 60 (15 c) but some heavy clouds moved in. The forecast for this afternoon was 36 (2 C) The way the sky darkened and wind picked u...

Trying to keep going Daily Blog 8-7-2021

Weight: 354 lbs (160.6 kg) BMI: 45.4 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHR: 77% Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, coffee with cream Lunch: Deli Prepackaged Chef Salad, Sugar free monster energy, small bag of crunchy Cheetos Dinner: Pork steaks, Heinz 57, 12pk Bud light I woke up this morning. It did take me a bit to wake up properly, but that is a bit of the “A body at rest tends to stay at rest” kind of thing. And a bit of the fact that I finished that entire package of corona hard seltzer. But when I did manage to convince myself to get up I got a text from a coworker asking me if I could come in early; she had weekend plans that she hadn't planned for. I'm a bit annoyed by this, but I am pretty close to 40 hours and I'm not exactly in the position to turn down hours (not in an a precarious place so there is no need to worry, it's just that I could be in a slightly better position financially.) And she only wants me to come in a half an hour early. Whatever, a bit annoying, but a...

April 23, 2021 Getting Back into It

Weight: 352.0 lbs (159.7 kg) BMI: 45.2 Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm) WtHR 78% Breakfast: Kroger Shells and cheese Lunch: 4 Piece Deli Baked Chicken, Sugar Free Monster Dinner: KC Strip Steak, 6pk Bud Light Had another one of those phase out periods where I just coasted along with life. This is a source of frustration for me. There are so many things that I want to do, have to do, need to do, but I just fall back into a vegetative like state where I'm either staring zombie style at my computer while YouTube plays or lumbering around the store at work. And I'm getting back into the frustrated mood where I feel like I'm waking up to go to work and then going back to bed to wake up to go back to work. And working at a grocery store is frustrating because it's impossible to tell yesterday from last week from six months ago from six years ago. Everyday I go back to work, stand around seeming waiting to go home and start over the next day. I really do want to be doing the...

July 24, 2019 Back and Forth on Plans

Weight: 339.2 lbs (153.86 kg) Waist: 55 in (139.7 cm) BMI: 43.6 Mood: Energetic Breakfast: Chuck Arm Steak. American Blend Salad, Bacon Ranch Dressing, Broccoli Lunch: BLT Salad with homemade ranch dressing Dinner: grilled Sirloin Steak, topped with shredded cheese and bacon ranch dressing American Blend Salad Bud light Notes: I did make a meal plan for the week, but now we'll see if I can stick to it. It was my day off, and lately on my day off for the week I go over to Mom's to do laundry. She invited me to have lunch with her and we had a BLT Salad that was AMAZING. I'm not going to list my calories for today because I'm not sure she tracks calories for her recipes (and it seemed rude to ask) but her BLT Salad was American Blend Salad, mixed with some chopped bacon, diced cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green bell pepper, green onions, and perhaps other items. And this was topped with her homemade Ranch dressing. And I have to say, tha...

Daily Food Blog 8/4/18

Weight: 344.6 lbs Waist: 55 in Mood: Calm Breakfast: Pot of Coffee Lunch: Grilled Chicken Breast Snack: Bacon Cheddar hamburger patties, a couple of cans of Bud light Dinner: Country Ribs, broccoli cuts, garden salad with peppercorn ranch dressing Notes: when doing smoothies for breakfast it is important to remember to wash the blender afterwords. I didn't get the dishes done yesterday and to be honest the main reason I had pork steaks for dinner last night was the fact I had no clean dishes left to cook with. And I'll admit that it is nasty to admit that my kitchen was filled with dirty dishes that were several days old. But I have not been managing my time very well. I did manage to convince myself to walk to work today. It was just a three and a half hour shift, so it was a short day. The hang up was I was debating whether or not to cook the spare ribs I have in my refrigerator. But the ribs take 2 and a half hours to cook and by the time I g...

Daily Food Blog 8/3/18

Weight: 344.6 lbs Waist: 55 in Mood: tired Breakfast: slept in, didn't get a chance for breakfast Lunch: 5x Cheddar Bratwurst Dinner: 2x Pork steaks (1.5 lbs), Couple of cans of Bud light, Brussels Sprouts, garden salad Notes: got called in early for work so I didn't get a chance to walk to work or get breakfast done, But I'm so desperate for hours at work I wasn't in a position to turn down any hours. I really didn't plan on having pork steaks for dinner, but I haven't had a chance to do dishes so I had to grill something and grilled chicken didn't sound that appetizing. But seriously I need to get on track on meal plans. If just for the sake of budgeting, just grabbing some steak after work because I didn't want the food I have isn't good for any of my strategies. My feet still hurt from walking to work yesterday. And working a split shift today didn't help much. Altogether I worked about 8 hours, which would hav...