
Showing posts with the label fried chicken

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Sobriety Blog Feb 10, 2025

Weight: 347 lbs ( 157.4 kg) BMI: 44.5 Waist: 59 in (149.9 cm) WtHr: 79.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Deli Fried Chicken, Pringles Cheddar Dinner: Shrimp Alfredo Drinks: Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Monster, 20oz Dr Pepper, Kroger Energy Shot, Powerade Lemon Lime Keto Day 0 Sober Month 1 (Day 55) Grandma was nice enough to give me some money yesterday for taking down her Christmas lights so I ran by the bank to deposit it. And while I was there I transferred money from my savings accounts as I am expecting the rent check to come through this week. The lady at the bank told me that since my savings accounts are below $100 each all three of them are going to have the minimum amount fee. I know, every month they charge my savings accounts $3 each if the balance ever goes below $100 during the month. It kinda sucks, but what can I do, I haven't been able to save up like I've been wanting to. But apparently there's a different kind of savings ...

Naughty Lunch Sobriety Blog Jan 25, 2025

Weight: 347.0 lbs ( 157.4 kg) BMI: 44.5 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Smoked Sausages Lunch: Fried Chicken Drumsticks, Pringles Dinner: Chuck Steaks Drinks: Sugar Free Red Bull, Kroger Energy Shot, Kroger Seltzer, 1.25 L Diet Pepsi, Celsius Energy, Sober Month 1 (Day 39) YMCA: X Not down to where I started the year at, but under the average for the year. Waistline is making progress, but it's hard to get as excited about the waist as it is the weight. I keep reminding myself that, “Happiness is not a number on the scale, or the measuring tape” Happiness would be standing up without having to build up the courage to brace for the oncoming pain in the feet. Walking around without cringing in pain. Or the mind improving. Kind of ironic that I'm writing this after work and can't think of a way to expand on that point. But I am feeling that my mind/mood has greatly improved over the last couple of weeks. I worked earlier tha...

Sobriety Blog Jan 8, 2025

  Weight: 347.8 lbs ( 157.7 kg) BMI: 44.7 Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Fried Chicken, Doritos Dinner: Taco Salad Drinks: Salted Coffee with cream, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Rockstar Sober Week 3 (Day 23) YMCA: X I tried to do a bit of reading last night when I went to bed. But the book I was trying to read was “ The Children of Húrin” by JRR Tolkien. Professor Tolkien is an amazing writer. He is great at building his world through his characters. The problem is I have a hard time remembering people by their names. So he'll spend three pages saying who this person is, where they lived, who is in their family, and then Oh, they died. Then he just says somebody elses name, and the story just expects you to know who they are.  It was odd this morning I woke up with Amazing Grace playing in my head. Going over the lyrics it is strange that Amazing Grace is thought of such a mournful song. It is singing about the blessings God has given ...

Craziness Before a Winter Storm Daily Sobritey Blog Jan 3, 2025

Weight: 347.2 lbs ( 157.5 kg) BMI: 44.6 Waist: 59 in (149.9 cm) WtHr: 79.7% Breakfast: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Smoked Sausages Lunch: Fried Chicken Drumsticks, Cheddar Pringles Dinner: Red Baron Hand tossed Meat Lovers Pizza Drinks: Sugar Free Monster, Sugar Free Red Bull, Busch NA Sober Week 2 (Day 18) YMCA: X Starting off the reminding myself to take some “Vitamin P” It's only three days into the new year. And the half a pound that I gained over the last few days are well within the normal expected fluctuations. And although I haven't been 100% on my diet, I've been doing pretty okay. Or at least I was doing okay this morning. Roommate had a doctor's appointment this morning so I didn't have time to cook the Bacon and Eggs that I usually have. So I didn't have the normal breakfast, but Dr Berry says that even if you just grab some hot dogs, that's still doing good on the diet. But I figure the Johnsonville Jalapeno Sausages taste better than the...

Christmas Eve Sobriety Blog Dec 24, 2024

Weight: 348.6 lbs ( 158.1 kg) BMI: 44.8 Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: Bar-S Hot Dogs Lunch: Fried Chicken, Dinner: Christmas at Grandma Chili Dogs various snacks Drinks: Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Snack: A couple of “European Cookies” Sober Week 1 (Day 8) YMCA: X Heh, down 10 lbs (4.5 kg) for the month, up 10 lbs (4.5 kg) for the year.  It'd be fun if I could lose that much in a week, but nah, it's not going to happen. I had to drive my Roommate to a doctor's appointment before I had to go to work so I didn't have time for a proper breakfast. So I just grabbed a pack of hot dogs before work. Roommate says that the doctor told him that he is now officially on the Keto Diet. Kind of sucks, I had some dry lips the other day. I grabbed some lip balm that helped a bit on the lips, but didn't seem to catch a bit. As it feels like I have a paper cut on my upper lip. But at least it doesn't feel li...

Naughty at lunch Sobriety Blog Dec 23, 2024

  Weight: 350 lbs ( 158.8 kg) BMI: 44.9 Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Fried Chicken, Macaroni Salad Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster Guava Snack: A couple of “European Cookies” Sober Day 7 YMCA: X First time since July that I've gone a full week without beer. It's kind of encouraging that I've went a week without beer without much struggle. But also kind of disappointing that it's been nearly half a year that I've gone a full week without beer. I'd go three or four days, and then back to it. Today, understandably, was insanely busy at work. Thankfully most people understood why it was busy. But of course we had the, “Wow, it's really busy today!” or “Why is it so busy today?” Not sure if people were smart asses or dumb ones. Even the coworkers who are normally the ones I have to constantly chase after were able to keep rushing on their own. Which I...

Not Very Ketogenic Daily Sobriety Blog June 30, 2024

Weight: 330.1 lbs (150.2 kg) BMI: 42.4 Waist: 54.5 in (138.4 cm) WtHr: 73.0% Breakfast: Pack of Bar-S hot dogs (regular) Lunch: Fried Chicken and Macaroni Salad Dinner: Taco Chili Mac Drinks: Kroger Seltzer Orignal and Blackberry Citrus, Sugar Free Rockstar, Sugar Free Red Bull Sober Week 2 (Day 15) Really slept in today. Not sure why, it wasn't really that late when I went to bed. Later than I've been wanting to, but not really as late as I have before. I woke up early enough to wake up properly, but not early enough to get a proper breakfast or do anything that I want to do. I took the time to scarf some hot dogs, but not the ideal breakfast that I would prefer. Work was a bit strange, people were acting like it was three times busier than it was. This became a really long “Mark whines about work” post. But I don't want these to be that. But I did get a chuckle at one guy. We were down two people because they called in “”Sick”” right before they were supposed to get t...

Daily Blog February 25, 2023

Weight: 332.6lbs ( 150.9 kg) BMI: 42.7 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Fried Chicken, Macaroni Salad Dinner: Velveeta Ultimate Cheeseburger Drinks: ¾ pot of coffee, 2x Kroger Energy Shot      I think I was feeling the effects of yesterday's bag of chips in my thighs today. Getting up and moving I felt like the way the old videos of astronauts on the moon looked like when they were walking around. My legs felt like they were ten times thicker than they were, and each leg feels like they weigh a ton a piece. And while writing this out I was distracted by the skin on the back of my hands, when I lift up on my fingers there's big chunks of rolling flesh on the back of my hands. But I don't know how much of that is inflammation due to not following my diet, or just dry skin due to the time of year. My hands seem to be really dry and every time I wash my hands it just seems to get worse. And I work at a grocery store so I wash my hands...

Lots of Reasons to Get Back Into It Daily Blog 12-26-20

Waist: 57 in (145cm) Weight: 359.2 lbs (162.9 kg) BMI: 46.1 Breakfast: 6 slices bacon, 3 fried eggs Lunch: Deli Fried chicken, deli mac and cheese, Sugar Free Rockstar energy Dinner: 5 pk Johnsonville Bratwursts Thinking about starting this back up. Last week I drank a bit more than I should have and accidentally broke my glasses (it was just the string that held the lens in optometrist office fixed it for free) but the night before I went to the eye doctor I was tearing my apartment apart looking for my insurance card. (The card that was in my wallet said that it was issued in 2016.) Roommate calmed me down enough to see if I could go to the insurance website and see if I could print off a new insurance card. And that's when I realized that the insurance website had the same logo of the app that I had downloaded last year. -_- oops. But when I updated the app it allowed me to link my other weight loss apps to the insurance app. This seems to be a good excuse to...

I didn't have much to say today 9-28-20

  Weight: 359 (162.8 kg) Waist: 58 (147.3 cm) Breakfast Pepperoni with cheese Lunch: Fried Chicken, Sugar Free Rockstar energy Snack: Hot Dogs Dinner: Beef Pasta Hamburger Helper with some cheese I hadn't gotten dishes done in a while so I couldn't cook bacon or eggs. Had some pepperoni left over from when I made Deconstructed Pizza casserole a few weeks ago. I added some cheese to it and thought about heating it up to melt it all together. But 2 minutes in the microwave just turned the cheese into something like a hard plastic. I did manage to take inventory of my freezer, but all of my food is frozen. I did get a meal plan together for the week. And I do have a few recipes planned for future videos. But since all of my food is frozen and all of my dishes were dirty before I went to work I went in early and had some fried chicken for Lunch. As I was getting off I didn't feel like doing too much thinking in my dinner. So I just picked up a box of Hamburger Helper...

Still Trying to Think of a Title 9-27-20

Weight: 360.0 (163.3 kg) Waist: 57 in (144.8cm) Breakfast: Rib eye Lunch: Deli Fried Chicken, Sugar Free Rockstar Energy Dinner: 5x Bratwurst There have been really good sales on meat over the last couple of weeks. That's the only reason that I was able to have a high end steak for breakfast. I thought about having eggs to go with. But I'm getting a bit tired of eggs. I didn't plan out lunch or dinner so I had fried chicken from the deli for lunch (not exactly Keto, but I'll roll with it) and picked up some bratwursts for dinner. (better for Keto, but not great for variety if I don't get a meal plan together) My knee is reminding me about that diet that I wanted to be on. It hurts when I have to squat down and feels tight when I stand back up. People have asked me if I'm okay when I stand up. I get the feeling that is because I am breathing heavy when I stand up from a squat. but the reason I am breathing heavy is because my massive gut is pressing a...

Daily Food Blog April 28, 2019

Weight: 330.4 (149.9 kg) Waist: 54 (137.2 cm) BMI: 41.3 Breakfast: Pot of Coffee Lunch: Deli Fried Chicken Dinner: Grilled Pork Steak with ranch dressing and shredded cheese Finally got around to doing a Sunday weigh in video. It was a bit of a roller coaster. Started off a bit frustrated that I haven't made a “weekly” weigh in video, but the coffee started kicking in and then I stated getting all hopeful. I talk a bit about my financial problems. I am going to get a fresh start loan tomorrow and I'm thinking of using this occasion for a bit of a “soft reboot” for my life. I keep thinking about what would have happened if it were more than just my phone breaking. I was able to upload a weight loss video didn't get around to uploading it until I got home from work. Grilled up a couple of pork steaks for dinner because I still haven't made a meal plan for the week. I don't work until late tomorrow afternoon and I slept a lot better last night...

Food Blog April 27, 2019

Weight: 331.6 lbs (150.4 kg) Waist: 54.5 in (138.4 cm) BMI: 41.4 Mood: tired Breakfast: Pot of Coffee, Taco Chili Lunch: 4 Piece Fried Chicken Dinner: 5 pack of Kroger cheddar bratwurst 1.25 L Diet Pepsi It was probably not a good idea to drink an entire liter of Diet Pepsi before bed. I did manage to go to bed at a reasonably decent time last night as I went to bed around midnight. I'm trying to get eight hours of sleep per night. But I just could not fall asleep. I was just tossing and turning until about 4. And then woke up around 8. But I am writing this part around noon. And I still can't seem to get going Today was rough. It was really hard to get past the “autopilot” I worked 2-11 today and I'm glad that most of the time I was a cashier and he hour or two I was a FES I am thankful that it was slow. I think the main problem that I am having is that I just didn't sleep as much as I should have this week. Monday night I acciden...

Daily Food Blog 9/18/18

Weight: 340.7 lbs Mood: getting out of the tunnel (not sure if that makes sense, but that's the closest I can think of. Breakfast: none Lunch: Fried Chicken, Sparkling water Dinner: Velveeta Skillet Dinner Ultimate Cheeseburger Notes: I didn't get a chance to make breakfast this morning. My car insurance check and the rent check decided to both come through on the same day. And since I didn't budget the insurance well I was massively over drawn on my checking account. Luckily my bank has a program known as a “Fresh Start Loan” The fresh start loan pays off the negative balance of the account and sets up a payment plan. Unfortunately I don't have over draft privileges during the life of the loan, but hopefully I won't need it. And I an fairly confident that I will not be having this trouble again. The loan is going to be $50 a month for 13 months starting in November. And (if I did my math right) my car loan is done in August of next y...

Daily Food Blog 8/22/18

Weight: 336.4 lbs Waist: 53.5 Mood: impressed Breakfast: Coffee with a tablespoon of coconut oil Lunch: Cheeseburger Patties, Bratwurst Dinner: Deli Fried Chicken Snack: Sirloin Pork Chops Notes: I haven't been tracking my weight loss or food intake like I have been wanting to lately. No real excuse outside of just being lazy. Which is a running problem for me. But I have been walking to work recently. I think that might have contributed to the FOUR FREAKING POUNDS I lost over the last week or so. I am excited that I am once again down for the year on weight and for the first time this year being down on waist. Feet still hurt, but I think that's more because my shoes are starting to get worn out than because of my weight. Although the walking to work might be adding to that a bit as well. I was a bit nervous this morning standing on the scale because I did break the Keto diet last night, eating a rack of ribs with mac and cheese and a 1.25 ...

Daily Food Blog 8/5/18

Weight: 341.4 Waist: 55 Mood: Satisfied Breakfast: Fruit Smoothie (2c Whole Milk, Kiwi, Orange, Baby Spinach), Pot of Coffee with Fiber supplement Lunch: 4 piece deli fried chicken Dinner: wasn't hungry Notes: Recorded a weekly weigh in video this morning so I really didn't have much time to do much this morning. But I did manage to get the dishes done so I did get a breakfast smoothie done. I didn't have a lunch planned out so I hit up the deli in the store. I think that the deli baked chicken is good for keto, but that was starting to get old so I went back to the old fallback of deli fried chicken which isn't as good for Keto because of the breading that they put on it. And for dinner I really wasn't hungry. A lot of the research I have done really discourages eating because it “is time to eat” and not because I was hungry. Some people would call that “fasting” But I do know that when I get up in the morning I am going to be...