
Showing posts with the label 153 kg

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog December 9, 2023

Weight: 337.2 lbs (153.0 kg) BMI: 43.5 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Ground Beef Casserole Dinner: Bacon wrapped Chicken Breast Drinks: Kroger Energy Shot, Several cans of Kroger Seltzer Water Strawberry Lemonade Weeks Sober 1 (Day 14) Last night I found that the phone did repeat the meditation program. It is somewhere inside of the Samsung Health app, but I can't seem to find it organically during the day. Last nights (12-8-23) session wasn't as effective as the previous night's (12-7-23) session. When the notification came up it had a collection of things to choose from and it said that the one I did previously was the “Seven Days of Relaxation” But when I choose that one it started saying the same thing it said the previous time. So I chose a different button on the front of that app. I'm thinking that is the next lesson on the “Seven Days of Relaxation” as it was labeled as something it said that was a Dutch term that (mo...

A Beige Day Daily Sobritey Blog November 4, 2023

Weight: 337.2 lbs (153 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: Bar-S Jumbo hot dogs Lunch: Chicken Cordon Bleu Soup Dinner: Mac and Cheese with Baked Chicken Breast Drinks: Cup of coffee with cream, 500ml Water, Kroger energy Shot, Sugar Free Rockstar Pure Silver Ice Weeks Without Beer 1 (14 Days)      Not much to talk about today. I had set my alarms to try to wake up before dawn again. But again I just went back to sleep. I need to work on trying to get out of bed when my alarms go off. I had to work at 10 instead of 11 this morning and it kind of threw off the entire day. And I spent the entire day counting down until the end of the day as tomorrow I'm going back to vacation. I know that I had vacation a couple of weeks ago, but I am trying to use up all of my PTO before The Holidays start I'm trying to come up with anything to say about today, but it was just such a “beige day”      Feet and calves did hurt a bit in the mornin...

Low On Minerals? Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog November 3, 2023

Weight: 337.4 lbs (153 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: 6x Bar-S Smoked Sausages with mustard Lunch: Ground Beef Zucchini Casserole Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Cup of coffee with cream, 1500ml water, 5 Hour Energy shot, Sugar Free Rockstar Weeks Without Beer 1 (13 Days)     Feet hurt again today and I'm feeling kind of mentally off. I've been really kind of pissed off the last day or two. I'm not sure what's going on with that. It's not that anybody is doing anything specific, it's just that my “fight or flight” seems to be ramped up. Maybe too many energy drinks? Or maybe it's the smoked sausages. I didn't look at the ingredients, but I'm willing to bet money that they have high fructose corn syrup in them. And I did have Mac and cheese for dinner last night. But that wouldn't explain why I was so irritable yesterday. I hope I'm not snapping at everybody I come across, but I have noticed that I AM TALKING ...

Daily Keto Blog Septempber 6, 2023

Weight: 334.0 lbs (153.0 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon Lunch: Chicken Cordon Bleu Soup , Powerade Zero Orange Dinner: Bratwursts, Queso Dip Drinks: Kroger Energy Shot, 2x Sugar Free Red Bull, ~3800ml water      Had a hard time getting started today. I didn't post yesterday, I decided to pickup a pack of White Claw. And I think it effected me this morning. It wasn't a hangover, and I wasn't still drunk, I just had no GO. I don't think it was depression, I wasn't sad, I was just so damned numb. (Okay that might be depression) Alcohol is a depressant and one of the many reasons that I want to be quitting alcohol. But then again it could have been a light hangover, I was thirsty as hell when I woke up this morning.      I'm using blankets as blackout curtains to keep the sun out of my room during the day to try to keep the electricity bill down. And I need to remember to take them down at night. It is a lot ea...

Daily Weigh In Blog September 4, 2023

Weight: 336.8lbs (153.0 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Low Carb Jambalaya , Powerade Zero Orange Dinner: Kraft Deluxe White Cheddar Garlic & Herbs Mac and cheese, Baked Chicken Drinks: 2x Kroger Energy Shots, Sugar Free Red Bull I decided to take the social media apps (Facebook, X, Reddit) off of my phone again. I've been spending WAY too much time zombie scrolling. I'm not going to fully abandon all of the social medias, they're my only window to the outside world, but I spend WAY too much time staring at my phone. A normal day I usually wake up around 8am, but then lay there until I have to go to work scrolling through twitter. This has to end. I still spent all day pulling my phone out of my pocket and looking through the apps. was Labor Day. What did I do for Labor Day? I worked, yes I worked for Labor Day. Yeah, that does mean that I lAbOrEd oN lAbOr DaY! That is so cre...

Not Much to Say Daily Keto Blog September 3, 2023

Weight: 337.4lbs ( 153.0 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Hot Dogs and Powerade Zero Orange Lunch: Tuna Mornay Casserole , Powerade Zero White Cherry, Sugar Free Red Bull Dinner: Pork Steak, Kraft Deluxe 4 Cheese Mac and cheese Drinks: Kroger energy shot, 2L Big K Caffeine Free Diet Cola, 500ml water      Got a weekly weigh in video done this morning before work. And I don't know if I used up all of my creativity in that video or what but now at my lunch break when I'm starting to write out the daily blog I'm hitting a bit of a writers block. There are quite a few strings that I kind of grasp at that would be a good idea to write down, but they keep evaporating before I get the idea formed. This is a bit disconcerting considering that I was planning on working the General Update video this evening after work. The General Update video is a video that I want to release the first Monday of the month, but I work all day tomorrow and there's...

“Demonic Rice Krispies” Daily Blog January 12, 2023

Weight: 337.4 lbs ( 153 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Fathead Lasagna Dinner: Kroger Cheddar Bratwursts Drinks: 2x Sparkling water      I noticed last night that the “Demonic Rice Krispies” are back. Shoulders, back, elbows, knees, and especially the ankles are popping and crackling like crazy. There's not any pain in any of my joints, so I don't think there's anything wrong with my joints. This happens when I'm doing good on my Keto diet. Last time I noticed this was back in October of 2020! I had mentioned the effect in a half written blog post that I didn't upload. A recent live stream that Doctor Ken Berry made someone asked him about cracking knees, and he played it off as something that just happens when you get into your 30's; I am 36 years old but I really don't have the popping and cracking nearly as much when I'm not doing my diet. Doc Berry said if there wasn't any pain in the join...