
Showing posts with the label 42.9 BMI

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Re-Balancing Budgeting Spreadsheets Daily Keto/Sobritey Blog July 3, 2024

Weight: 334.2 lbs (149.9 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 54 in (137.2 cm) WtHr: 73.0% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Basic Chili with cheese and Ranch dressing Dinner: Baked Bratwursts Drinks: Pot of Coffee with cream, Kroger Seltzer Mango, Sugar Free Monster Sober Week 2 (Day 18) YMCA: No I didn't post last night. It was strange. I was feeling really good all day long, but as soon as the sun went down I had a MASSIVE wave of “don't give a damn.” Hard to describe it as anything else. I think that it might have been because I spent the entire day sitting here at the computer playing Fallout: New Vegas. I managed to get to the YMCA yesterday, but after that I just sat here at the computer just sitting here. I think that broke my mood. It's just so strange for me to go to bed at 10:30pm I'm going to talk about financial stuff. I was a big hesitant at first, but then again 1. I usually only get about 15 views on each these posts, and 2. If anybody if thinking about stealing/sca...

A Bit Irritable Today Keto/Sobriety Blog June 13, 2024

Weight: 333.8 lbs (151.4 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 54 in (137.2 cm) WtHr: 73% Breakfast: leftover Fathead Lasagna Lunch: Stuffed Bell Pepper Soup Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Kroger Seltzer Water Strawberry Lemonade, “”Cranberry Lime, Celsius Astro Vibe Energy Drink, Kroger Seltzer Original, “” Mango Sober Day 5 Definitely too much lasagna last night, but I'm not too worried about it. A daily blog isn't to look at the daily fluctuations Had some leftover Fathead Lasagna for breakfast, but it gave me some nasty burps for the first half of the day. I wonder if that's telling me that I should be avoiding dairy.  Legs and feet feel considerably better than they have been, but that might be because I had the last two days off. I did catch the corner of my thumbnail right before work. There's something about my thumbs as soon as there's a bit of nail they'll catch one of the corners leading me to have to trim the damn thing back to the pink Irritability was quite ...

Daily Sobriety/Keto Blog June 9, 2024

Weight: 334.4 lbs (151.7 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 55 in (137.2 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: X Lunch: 4x Bar-S Jumbo Jumbo Hot Dogs Dinner: Top Sirloin Steak Drinks: Diet Dr Pepper, Kroger Energy Shot, Kroger Blackberry Citrus Seltzer Water Sober Day 1 Having a hard time a damn. It's not even a thought of, “I'll do it tomorrow” It's more of a just sitting here zombie scrolling through social media. I seriously need to get my life under control. Those first sentences were written four days ago. Lately I feel like I'm just tumbling trough space. I grew up wanting to be an astronaut, but this isn't that. I was going to get this restarted back on Tuesday when I was really surprised by  1. I woke up at half-past noon. It seems like a flex, but I really hate sleeping past noon. And when I did get downstairs I was surprised by the second surprise.  2. My Mom was banging on my door doing a welfare check. My Stepdad had called her to check on me because I had let ...

Setting Goals Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog February 9, 2024

W eight: 334.2 lbs (151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 55 in (139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Mexican Ground Beef and Zucchini with Cottage Cheese Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: 2x cups of Coffee Black, 500ml Bottled Water x4, Kroger Energy Shot x2, Kroger Seltzer Water Lemon Lime x5 Sober Week 1 (Day 9) Having a hard time the last couple of days getting up and going. Soreness in my lower right back. But it's more mentally struggling. I just couldn't get enough “Go” to go yesterday, but I did feel a considerable difference in the Mental and Physical energy yesterday. People were dumb AF but I'm starting to feel more “UP” on the days that I'm able to work out in the morning. Had Bacon and Eggs for breakfast after I got home from the YMCA. This is a very satisfying habit to get into. But I had used up the last of my bacon this morning and I forgot to pick up more bacon after work this evening. But I do have a Strip Steak in the fridge that I can have breakf...

Car Insurance is a Scam Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog December 22, 2023

Weight: 335.2 lbs (152 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 56 in (142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Smoked Sausages Dinner: Rib Eye Steak Drinks: Couple Cups of Coffee Black,Several cans of Seltzer water of various flavors, Sugar Free Rockstar Energy Silver Weeks Sober 3 (Day 27) Stepdad looked at the car and it was the water pump that had went out. I do admit that he scared the hell out of me when he said that he was going to “Call a wrecker” after he determined that the problem was the water pump. He said that he put some antifreeze in and it just poured right out so he called a wrecker. I'm pretty sure that if I was linked up to an EKG it would have been writing in cursive. But he reassured me that the tow truck was just going to take it to my Granduncle's place for him to work on because it would be bad to drive it any more than absolutely necessary. Sounds like it's going to be an easy fix and it'll be done by the time I get...

Dealing with a new App and Laundry Day with a Blessed Family Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog December 21, 2023

Weight: 334.4 lbs (151.7 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 56 in (142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Beef Hot Dogs Dinner: Rib eye steak with garlic butter Drinks: Cup of Coffee Black with 1/4 tsp salt, a couple cans of Seltzer water of various flavors, 1500ml water Weeks Sober 3 (Day 26)      When I got up this morning my feet didn't hurt as much as they've had previously. I'm not sure if that is a sign of progress or not, but it is nice to stand up and not feel like the bottom of my feet are being Tased while being on fire. Legs were still a bit stiff and I had a pain in the back of my head but those went away as I got up and moving around.      I put a quarter teaspoon of salt into the coffee this morning because the entire teaspoon of salt that I had put in that cup was a bit too much.      I had decided to download the app that the doctor suggested to install to tack the eating habits. The frustrating thing is that I am pla...

Daily Keto Blog Septempber 6, 2023

Weight: 334.0 lbs (153.0 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon Lunch: Chicken Cordon Bleu Soup , Powerade Zero Orange Dinner: Bratwursts, Queso Dip Drinks: Kroger Energy Shot, 2x Sugar Free Red Bull, ~3800ml water      Had a hard time getting started today. I didn't post yesterday, I decided to pickup a pack of White Claw. And I think it effected me this morning. It wasn't a hangover, and I wasn't still drunk, I just had no GO. I don't think it was depression, I wasn't sad, I was just so damned numb. (Okay that might be depression) Alcohol is a depressant and one of the many reasons that I want to be quitting alcohol. But then again it could have been a light hangover, I was thirsty as hell when I woke up this morning.      I'm using blankets as blackout curtains to keep the sun out of my room during the day to try to keep the electricity bill down. And I need to remember to take them down at night. It is a lot ea...

Working on videos Daily Keto Blog March 29, 2023

Weight: 334.2 lbs (151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 56 in ( 141.0 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Keto Taco Casserole Dinner: Keto Cheeseburger Helper Drinks: Pot of coffee, ~3000 ml Water      Curious, the weight has been fluctuating quite a bit over this month. Would be nice if the weight was tracking more downwards, but is kind of odd how it's been so up and down over the last couple of weeks.      Got a haircut today. Every time I get a haircut I tell myself that I'm not going to let it get so long. And then it's six months later when I get the next haircut because the hair is starting to drive me crazy. I also want to give the stylist a hard time about “cutting the bangs too far back” (receding hairline) but I always chicken out. I always spend the rest of the day waving my head around because it feels different without the long hair.      Finished the Store Story video and got it uploaded. And got some of the ...

Working on a Video Daily Keto Blog March 25, 2023

Weight: 334.4 lbs ( 151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 56 in ( 137.2 cm) WtHr: 75.6% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Cottage cheese with ranch, salt, and pepper Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Cup of coffee with cream, 2x Kroger energy shots, ~2700ml water      Not a very productive morning. I really just spent it counting down until I have to get ready for work. That is a frustration that I have in my life. I never take the time to do anything, I just count down how much time I have left before I have to do something else. I do the same thing with money. I never save any, I just average out how much I have and how much I could spend each day to make it last until the next thing I have to pay for. But then it becomes more of a spending goal instead of a savings goal.      Another “fun” day at work. But at least I remembered that I was wanting cottage cheese for lunch. I added a bit of ranch dressing into the cottage cheese with the epic amounts of salt and pep...

Daily Keto Blog March 24, 2023

Weight: 334.2 lbs ( 151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 54 in ( 137.2 cm) WtHr: 73.0% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Couple cups of coffee with cream, Kroger energy shot, ~2700ml water,      Waist circumference was down today, but I'm not sure how much of that was losing belly fat, or how much of that was the gut just sagging. The weight was down pretty good today so I might just be being down on myself.      I was really hungry this morning so I cooked an extra slice of bacon. But it just made it so the bacon went cold before I was able to eat it all. I also didn't get it cooked crispy. It was cooked enough to have it so it wouldn't make me sick, but just not in the crispy form that I'd prefer.      I was going to leave my debit card at home, but I have seemed to have ran out of precooked meals. I keep thinking that I'm going to go online to look up some recipes, ...

Brought Down by a Depressing thought Daily Blog February 18, 2023

Weight: 334.2 lbs ( 151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 73.6% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Instant Pot Chili Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: 2x 5 hour energy shots      Didn't wake up in time to cook the pizza casserole, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon. I'm really starting so see that spending my days off cooking is the thing to do. Last night was strange. I was just so damned wiped out after work I couldn't do anything. And that was even before I cooked the Velveeta dinner so I couldn't even blame it on the carbs in that.      I even woke up this morning tired. That might be the carbs from dinner last night, but I did stay up later than I should have. I had a hard time getting going this morning. Feet and legs did feel rough this morning. I even slept in too long to have any coffee. I did have a couple of energy shots over the day. I would NOT recommended the watermelon flavored one. That one was just nasty.  ...

Daily Blog Feburary 15, 2023

Weight: 333.8 lbs ( 151.4 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Pork Steak Snack: Pack of Hot Dogs Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Pot of Coffee, 5 Hour energy shot, Bottle of Caffeinated Water      Tax return came in last night as I was going to bed. Frustratingly it's already all spent. But at least the car insurance is paid, I have new shoes, and the Fresh Start loan on my checking account is paid off. I did order a new smart watch. That could be seen as a frivolous purchase. But at least I was able to buy something for myself. I spent the tax money so fast, I should probably register as a Democrat. To be balanced I should tell a joke making fun of the Republicans, but they make enough of a joke by themselves.      It was the day before an expected snowstorm, so it was pretty active at work. But nothing worth talking about happened at work. There was a moment when there was a line at self checkout and peop...

I'll be better tomorrow Daily Blog February 14, 2023

Weight: 334.4 lbs ( 151.7 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Tacos De Alambre Dinner: Bar S Hot Dogs Drinks: Pot of coffee, 2x cans Natural ICE beer, 1 Can Milwaukee's Best beer, ~2700 ml water    I think Nachos are bad for you. Or at least eating an entire bag of tortilla chips is bad for you. I am not feeling physically bad, not that bad mentally either. But the scale is moving up. My feet didn't hurt this morning, but I just think that's because I was sitting down all day yesterday. Kind of had a hard time waking up this morning, but that was more like “a body at rest” than anything else. But then again when I'm doing good on Keto I can jump out of bed before alarms even go off. It is an interesting coincidence that my weight got down the exact same lowest weight for last month and then went back up again. It's pure coincidence of course, but still kind of a fun one.      They scheduled me to be off Mond...

Daily Blog February 4, 2023

Weight: 334.4 lbs ( 151.7 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Instant Pot Chili Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Several cans of Caffeine Free Diet Big K cola and Big K Orange Soda Zero      The weight was up today, but not as up as I thought it would be. Didn't have much get up and go this morning. Not sure if that was because of the Mac and cheese last night, the cool cloudy weather, or just comfy bed. But I just couldn't get started today. I didn't have time to drink any coffee, so that might effect me during the day.      Today was a very slow day at the store. Which was strange as it is the first Saturday of the month and it is a very nice sunny day. We also had a lot of help at the store, the customer service manager told me a few weeks ago that she was going to start scheduling more people and I guess this is the result of that. I'm writing this part out at lunchtime, so I might be shooting myself in t...

Broke Diet With Dinner Choice February 3, 2023

Weight: 333.8 lbs ( 151.4 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 54.5 in ( 138.4 cm) WtHr: 73.6% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Fathead Lasagna Dinner: Mac and Cheese with chunks of pork Drinks: Coffee with cream, Kroger energy shot, 2x cans Natural ICE Beer      Waking up with a very dry mouth lately and it's kind of an interesting feeling taking the first drink of coffee. It kind of feels like my mouth and throat is dissolving, but in a good way. It's kind of like when cotton candy dissolving      Something strange is going on at the high school next door. It sounds like a jet engine is revving up. Maybe one of their industrial sized heaters was broken and they just turned it back on. But it kind of sounded like the building was about to take off.      Not sure what's going on with weight. Yeah, there's going to be daily fluctuations, but it's strange to be up 4 lbs (1.8 kg) in a single day. The weight is still down for the year, and lower than t...

21-90 Daily Blog January 21, 2023

Weight: 334.4 lbs ( 151.7 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Instant Pot Beef and Turnip Stew Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: 1/2 pot of coffee, Tap water      When I woke up this morning I woke up and got up, and there was almost no pain in my feet! There was almost like a residual ache. Normally, when waking up, the balls of the feet are like knives, and legs are like stilts. But not today! That's a great way to start the day! And normally, when I say those words, it's with heavy sarcasm. But no sarcasm today (not yet anyway)      It was snowing when I woke up this morning. And with the way my feet were feeling I was kind of wanting to walk to work. (I love walking when it's snowing) But by the time I got breakfast, showered, and other excuses I just didn't have the time. It's probably for the best. My feet this morning feel amazing, but I can't say that they'd be the same after walking two miles to ...