
Showing posts with the label eggs

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Stomach Hurts Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog December 7, 2023

Weight: 340.8 lbs (154.6 kg) BMI: 43.8 Waist: 57.0 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77.0% Breakfast: Sausage Patties and Eggs Lunch: Chicken Enchilada Soup Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Couple cups of Coffee black, Kroger Energy Shot, 900ml water Weeks Sober 1 (Day 12) Stayed up WAY too late last night trying to write a blog post. So I naturally slept in WAY too late. I had time to cook breakfast, but didn't do much else. Doctor says that getting up in the morning to try to get out into the sun is a good way to stave off the seasonal depression and I do have a small patio outside of my apartment so I have been thinking about buying a small table and putting a chair out there so that I can eat breakfast out on the patio and absorb some of the morning sun. But of course if I'm going to do that I'm going to have to start waking up in the morning. And as I'm writing this first part I'm needing to run out of the door three minutes ago. I was feeling alright before I left for work,...

New Food Plan Daily Blog November 17, 2023

Weight: 346 lbs (156.9 kg) BMI: 44.4 Waist: 58.0 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: Sausage Patties and Eggs Lunch: Kroger Kansas City St Luis Style Bake in Bag Ribs Dinner: X Drinks: Coffee with cream, 24pk Michelob Ultra Days Without Beer 0      Slept in really late, even for me. I'm not sure if there was something wrong with me yesterday. I am glad that I am off today because I was crawling out of bed this morning at almost 11:30. Woke up today much more well rested than I did yesterday. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe I was having a reaction to the Nathan's Hot Dogs. They brag that they use the same recipe for the last 100 years, but I do have to wonder if I'm having a reaction to the processed meat. But then again I don't seem to have any problems eating bacon, sausage patties, or the store brand bratwursts.      Had a really strange dream this morning. (mostly strange because I can remember it) I had dreamed that I was visiting ...

So Long Soda Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog October 30, 2023

Weight: 338.2 lbs (154.4 kg) BMI: 43.4 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: Sausage Patties and eggs Lunch: Pork Steak Dinner: Southwest Chicken Detox Soup Snack: Original Flavor Pork Rinds, Thick and Chunky Medium Salsa Drinks: Pot of coffee, 3600ml water                Canned Soda:                     Diet Dr Pepper: 4                     Diet Mt Dew: 1                     Diet Pepsi: 2 Weeks Without Beer 1 (9 Days)      Finished off the last of the diet canned diet soda and threw away all of the old cans that were piling up on my desk. I don't know why I keep all of the cans of drinks that I am drinking I did this both wi...

Daily Keto/Sobiety Blog October 26, 2023

Weight: 337.0 lbs (152.9kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 58 in (146 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: Sausage Patties and eggs Lunch: Low Carb Goulash Dinner: Queso Soup Drinks: 2x Kroger Energy Shots,            Canned Soda:                                  Diet Dr Pepper: 2                                  Diet Mt Dew: 2                                  Diet Pepsi: 3                    ...

No Beer Challenge Day 1 Daily Keto Blog Oct 22, 2023

Weight: 348.2lbs (157.9 kg) BMI: 44.7 Waist: 57.5 in (146.0 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: Sausage patties and eggs Lunch: Instant Pot Chili with cheese and sour cream Dinner: Bratwursts with G Hughes Sugar Free BBQ sauce, mustard, and Ranch Dressing for dipping Drinks: Pot of coffee with cream, Kroger Energy shot, ~16oz water, 2L Big K Caffeine Free Diet Cola Days Without Beer: 1      Quite proud of myself that I was able to wake up so early today. Today was the first day back to work from last weeks PTO and I was wanting to wake up early enough to get the Weekly Weigh In done before work. And I was frustrated all of last week as I woke up after 10am almost every day last week. I know that PTO is supposed to be time off to sit down, but it was frustrating that it was almost noon by the time I got up and going to do anything. But today I was up at the first alarm and up and going by the third. I was in an amazing mood... until I stood on the scale for the weigh in. ...

Birthday Daily Blog May 9, 2023

Weight: 336.8 lbs ( 152.8 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 56.5 in ( 143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Sausage and Eggs Lunch: China Star Buffet Dinner: Spinach Artichoke Chicken Casserole      Today was my birthday, and I woke up with the thought hey that's 37 years wasted, will I get another 37? I admit that isn't a very productive thought, but I just couldn't shake it. I know that the “mid-life crisis” isn't supposed to be the exact middle of your life. But I'm not very confident that I'll make it to 74. I'm not expecting or planing anything, but I have not been taking very good care of myself. I wasn't going to say, “Lately” at the end of that sentence, but I don't know if I ever took very good care of myself. Mom introduced me to a book labeled "Fear the Fear, and do it anyway" I don't feel that I've been struggling with the "fear" of doing anything. But perhaps the reason I haven't been as successful on YouTube as I've...

Daily Blog March 28, 2023

Weight: 337.6 lbs ( 151.9 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 55.5 in ( 141.0 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: eggs fried in butter Lunch: Bogeys Jalapeno Burger, 1/2 Order Chili Cheese Fries Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: pot of coffee with cream and butter      I set the alarms this morning to wake up for the six o'clock hour this morning. So naturally I woke up at 8:30 -_-. I remember going to bed pretty close to midnight, but the app on my phone that is connected to my smart watch is saying that I didn't get to sleep until after 3am. So I'm not sure what happened there. My feet did hurt this morning, but not as bad as yesterday morning, I wonder if what the difference between mac and cheese and the Velveeta Skillet Dinner is. The skillet dinner does have a powdered flavor packet that goes into it as well so maybe that has something to do with it? Knees are popping and cracking like crazy; they don't hurt or anything it's just a strange sharp SNAP noise when I sit still too l...

Daily (?) Blog 9/24/20

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: was going to have pork chops, but they went bad on me Dinner: Chili Snack: Chicken Tenders, Sugar free Rockstar Energy I've also drank a lot of soda today. I didn't keep track. I've been wanting to quit drinking soda. But I've been falling for the sales recently. I think I'm going to start leaving my debit card at home when I go to work. For someone who wants to be a Blogger/Vlogger I don't seem to put much effort into my desired profession. I don't know what has gotten a hold of me lately I just can't seem to get moving on anything. It is probably depression. I was meaning to visit a doctor earlier this year. Not exactly for depression itself. More because the last time I've even had a checkup was back when I was in middle school when I was joining the track team. But then the GREAT PESTILENCE decided to hit. So yeah, sorry. I keep saying that I want to do the Keto diet, and I do follow it for a b...

Daily Food Blog 8/11/18

Weight: 341.6lbs Mood: Chill Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, coffee with Fiber supplement Lunch: 2 Bacon cheddar burger patties. Dinner: 5 pack of Hillshire Farm chederwurst, key lime sparkling water Notes: well, I finally got off my butt and cleaned my house (most of it anyway) My dad had bought me a new bed and is going to bring it over tomorrow and I didn't want him to come carrying a queen size bed through the tornado bombsite that has been my house recently. Who knows maybe the reason I haven't been very well lately is because I haven't been sleeping well. My old bed had a broken frame so I was sleeping on an incline and the mattress I have is considerably old. I don't exactly believe in Feng Shui (if that is the right thought process here) but I do have to say it is a lot less stressful to be in a clean house. Or a “cleaner” house anyway. Trying to avoid the bathroom (it be nasty) Getting back on track here. The last couple of days...

Daily Food Blog 8/9/18

Weight: 340.6 lbs Mood: Tired Breakfast: Salad Bar (Mixed greens, chicken breast pieces, shredded cheddar, Ranch Dressing,) Lunch: Egg Stuff (½ dozen eggs, 1lbs pork sausage, 8oz shredded cheddar, small can Rotel) Dinner: Garden Salad with 4oz canned salmon, shredded cheese, ranch dressing Note: Slept better last night than I have in a while and was able to wake up and get to work. But the tiredness that I have been dealing with lately is more of a mental tiredness. I just can't seem to get the “get up and go” to get anything done. Again I didn't get a meal planned for lunch at work and my lunch was scheduled before the deli was open so I hit up the salad bar. I am not crazy about eating off of the salad bar when tracking my food. The salad bar is really good, so it's not about flavor, the problem is that it is a serious pain in the butt to log all of the things that I put on my salad when compared with just logging a single recipe or food...