
Showing posts with the label 164.1 kg

Just Always Kind of Tired Daily Blog August 27, 2022

Weight: 361.8 lbs (164.1 kg) BMI: 46.4 Waist: 58 in (47.3 cm) WtHr: 78.4% Breakfast: KC Strip Steak and eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Beddar with cheddar sausages, Rockstar sugar free energy Dinner: Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper Drinks: 2x Sparkling water, 5 hour energy shot mood: tired      I was going to have bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning, but I had a KC Strip that had been sitting in my fridge for what was starting to be a while. I tried to make the eggs over easy again, but as soon as my spatula touched the eggs to turn them they just scrambled. I usually cook the eggs in a cast iron skillet. But that was dirty from yesterday so I was cooking in a different skillet, it's not a Teflon pan, it has some sort of light brown covering across the cooking surface. Usually it's a pretty good non stick pan, but this morning I just couldn't get the spatula under the eggs.      Work was frustrating as always. Underpaid, understaffed, overworked. But at least eve