
Showing posts with the label 329 lbs

Starting the 3D Printing Keto/Sobriety Blog March 10, 2025

Weight: 335.4 lbs ( 152.1 kg) BMI: 43.1 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Baked Chicken Dinner: Cheeseburger patties and pork rinds Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Keto Week 3 (Day 22) Sober Month 2 (Day 83) YMCA: No I pretty much passed right out when I went to bed last night. But the phone says that I didn't fall asleep until after 2am. It also says that I didn't get any “deep sleep” I do feel a lot better today than I did yesterday. I was planning on going to the YMCA while Roommate was at his doctor's appointment as he usually goes quite early in the morning. But today his appointment wasn't until 11am and by then I was already dressed and had breakfast and I was too busy coming up with other excuses for not going. I did get around to messing with the 3D printer. And was able to get it to print off the two front top pieces of the Master Chief Helmet. And I found that the printer has a handy feature as it connects to...

Watching YouTube and Cleaning House Keto/Sobriety Blog June 11, 2024

Weight: 329 lbs (149.2 kg) BMI: 42.2 Waist: 54 in (137.2 cm) WtHr: 73% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Baked Bratwursts Dinner: 11oz Top Sirloin Drinks: Pot of Coffee Black, Diet Pepsi, Kroger Blackberry Citrus Seltzer Water Sober Day 3 Nice, down three more pounds today. Still thinking that it's just water weight and daily fluctuations. But it's nice to be back under 330 Spent the morning trying to get the dishes done. Having a hard time getting momentum going. I feel considerably better mentally and emotionally, but I keep finding myself back sitting at the computer staring at YouTube. I keep telling myself that I'm just going to start a queue of interesting videos to have background noise while I'm doing housecleaning. The problem is that they're interesting videos. Trying to get house cleaned up because Roommate is coming home tomorrow and it wouldn't be fair to him to have him work for an entire month just to come in for home time and have him come home...