
Showing posts with the label smoked sausages

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Low On Minerals? Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog November 3, 2023

Weight: 337.4 lbs (153 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: 6x Bar-S Smoked Sausages with mustard Lunch: Ground Beef Zucchini Casserole Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Cup of coffee with cream, 1500ml water, 5 Hour Energy shot, Sugar Free Rockstar Weeks Without Beer 1 (13 Days)     Feet hurt again today and I'm feeling kind of mentally off. I've been really kind of pissed off the last day or two. I'm not sure what's going on with that. It's not that anybody is doing anything specific, it's just that my “fight or flight” seems to be ramped up. Maybe too many energy drinks? Or maybe it's the smoked sausages. I didn't look at the ingredients, but I'm willing to bet money that they have high fructose corn syrup in them. And I did have Mac and cheese for dinner last night. But that wouldn't explain why I was so irritable yesterday. I hope I'm not snapping at everybody I come across, but I have noticed that I AM TALKING ...

Had an Early Start Today Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog November 1, 2023

Weight: 338.9 lbs (154.5 kg) BMI: 43.5 Waist: 57 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Savage Slim Jim Lunch: Enchilada Soup Snack: 4x Bar S Classic Smoked Sausages Dinner: Corned Beef Drinks: 5 Hour Energy Shot, 2x Sugar Free Rockstar, 9x 12oz cans Diet Big K Cola Weeks Without Beer 1 (11 Days)      Day started early there was a “Leadership Meeting” this morning at the store. Just once it'd be nice to go to a store meeting and learn something new. The only thing that seems to have changed was that the “Front End Supervisor” is now the “Customer Assistance Leader” and they've came up with another acronym for us to learn. It must be nice to work in an office where all you do is come up with these things. But on the other hand it is kind of good that they stage kind of “reminder” meetings to remind the people in charge of what the expectations of what we're supposedly supposed to be doing are. But I do agree with the CSM that these really are mostly a waist of time. Especia...

Just Kind of Tired Daily Blog 12-28-20

  Waist: Can't find my measuring tape Weight: 362.4 (164.4kg) BMI: 45.3 Breakfast: Smoked Sausages Lunch: Ham and Beans Dinner: Chili Snack: Deli Chicken Tenders, Sugar Free Rockstar energy   I'm a bit frustrated that I couldn't find my tape measure to get a measurement of my waist. But I doubt it changed much just yet. I didn't post yesterday. I woke up late and just didn't feel good all day. I don't know if it was Keto flu, Seasonal Affective Disorder, or what but I was sitting around with absolutely no GO. Still kind of struggling to find the energy to write this out. Picked up some Bar S Smoked Polish Sausages from Walmart the other day. I have to say, those things were nasty. The Kroger version is a lot better. Had some ham and beans and chili that I had left over from Christmas at my Aunt's house. I was going to make a meal plan for the week, but the last couple of days I haven't really had the energy to do much other than sit here at ...