
Showing posts with the label cheat day

Quitting Soda Day 3 March 13 2018

Weight: 354.2 Waist: 57in Mood: disappointed Breakfast: Burger King Eggnormus meal with Dr pepper Lunch: KC strip steak and Mac and Cheese Dinner: Nachos Snack: 2 litter Dr pepper, last of the coke I'm going to call this a cheat day. Because I failed hard today. I really didn't get ANYTHING done today. I was doing really well today I was pretty active this morning and afternoon. Than I ran to the store to get dinner. Than I started munching on nachos and drinking Dr pepper. I've just been sitting here at the computer binging on YouTube. The excuse I'm going with is that it is Tuesday and Tuesday is my sabbath, my day off. But the bad thing is that I didn't plan on today being a “Day off” technically I am on vacation. So it is good to take off a day to just sit around not doing anything. But I have so much that I need to get done.