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Hangovers Suck Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog November 18, 2023

Weight: 341.2 lbs (154.8kg) BMI: 43.8 Waist: 57.0 in (147.3 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Southwest Style Detox Soup Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Coffee with cream, Sugar Free Rockstar, Kroger Energy Shot Days Without Beer 1      Hangovers suck. Woke up today with a desire to get going, but brain was throbbing in my head. And the in the concept of “Mind, Spirit, and body” In my mind I was wanting to get going, but in my body my brain was throbbing, and by shins and ankles hurt, and spiritually I just feel...flat for a lack of a better term. Is this what depression is? I woke up with a lot of mental energy, but low emotional and physical energy. The physical energy kind of built up as I got moving around, but the emotional energy just makes me want to lay down. I am kind of curious as to how depression is treated, as I think I've mentioned before, do they just hand you a “Happy pill” and tell you, “Have fun and good luck?” or is there more to it than that?      Ano