Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Dealing with a new App and Laundry Day with a Blessed Family Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog December 21, 2023

Weight: 334.4 lbs (151.7 kg)
BMI: 42.9
Waist: 56 in (142.2 cm)
WtHr: 75.7%

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs
Lunch: Beef Hot Dogs
Dinner: Rib eye steak with garlic butter
Drinks: Cup of Coffee Black with 1/4 tsp salt, a couple cans of Seltzer water of various flavors, 1500ml water
Weeks Sober 3 (Day 26)

    When I got up this morning my feet didn't hurt as much as they've had previously. I'm not sure if that is a sign of progress or not, but it is nice to stand up and not feel like the bottom of my feet are being Tased while being on fire. Legs were still a bit stiff and I had a pain in the back of my head but those went away as I got up and moving around.

    I put a quarter teaspoon of salt into the coffee this morning because the entire teaspoon of salt that I had put in that cup was a bit too much.

    I had decided to download the app that the doctor suggested to install to tack the eating habits. The frustrating thing is that I am planning on doing my version of “Meal Planning” and it's been a while since I've done any of the calorie tracking apps because it's kind of annoying to log every single recipe into the tracking app. It's also kind of annoying to add one of the dozens of recipes that I might only make once for a video and never make again just because I've made that recipe once to have in the record.

    This app is kind of annoying because a lot of the features are locked behind the subscription version of the app. I'm just starting to get my fiances organized and I'm really not in the mood to sign up for a $9.99 a month for a weight tracking app. $10/month seems to be a bit steep for a weight tracking app anyway. That's the problem with so many of these services lately. I doubt that I'd ever pay any money for a calorie counting app, but that brings up the idea of everybody's hate of YouTube premium. It's seriously $15 per month. But if it was only $3 or $4 per month they'd probably triple the number of people that signed up for it. I've thought the same of the high grocery prices lately. If they adjusted their profit margins they could probably lower their prices, and pay their workers more. And that would make it so people would stay at work and have money to spend on products making the profits to go up. But no that would mean that our corporate overlords wouldn't get their obscene amounts of money. Sorry for that tangent (rise people, overthrow the corporate overlords)

    Spent the day at Mom's house doing laundry. I do often think about how blessed our family is. I can spend hours just hanging out with my mom and her husband and everybody is just chill. And Stepdad was nice enough to order some of the K2+D3 vitamins that I was meaning to pick up. Mom had set some steaks to thaw for the three of us and Stepdad grilled them up. He had put some garlic butter on top of them. And my lord, the doctor had said that my Vitamin D levels are "Vampiric" because Vitamin D is created due to exposure to sunlight, but I wouldn't make a very good vampire with how much I love garlic. I'm thinking of looking up a recipe for Garlic infused Clarified Butter 

    Speaking about a blessed family on the way home from Mom's house the car started smoking really bad and I was going to say something about it on here and it'd make for a really awkward conversation if I mentioned on here that my car was acting up and I didn't say anything to Mom directly. My plan was to call the garage where I get oil changes to see if they'd do any other services to the car. And maybe just walk to work for a week or so (Assuming that holidays kind of screw with their availability). But Mom said that she'd contact her Uncle, my Great Uncle (Grandpa's Brother, I think) and he and Stepdad will look at the car tomorrow morning to see what the issue is. My guess is probably the serpentine belt reacting to a bad alternator, but I know so very little about cars I'm just going to defer to their judgment on it and pray that it is an easy fix. Because, Please Jesus, I don't need an expensive fix now that I have just gotten the financial stuff evened out. 


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