Starting the 3D Printing Keto/Sobriety Blog March 10, 2025

Weight: 335.4 lbs ( 152.1 kg) BMI: 43.1 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Baked Chicken Dinner: Cheeseburger patties and pork rinds Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Keto Week 3 (Day 22) Sober Month 2 (Day 83) YMCA: No I pretty much passed right out when I went to bed last night. But the phone says that I didn't fall asleep until after 2am. It also says that I didn't get any “deep sleep” I do feel a lot better today than I did yesterday. I was planning on going to the YMCA while Roommate was at his doctor's appointment as he usually goes quite early in the morning. But today his appointment wasn't until 11am and by then I was already dressed and had breakfast and I was too busy coming up with other excuses for not going. I did get around to messing with the 3D printer. And was able to get it to print off the two front top pieces of the Master Chief Helmet. And I found that the printer has a handy feature as it connects to...

Breaking the Fast on the Patio Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog December 8, 2023

Tootn' Chili

Weight: 339.0 lbs (153.8 kg)
BMI: 43.5
Waist: 57.0 in (144.8 cm)
WtHr: 76.4%

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Tootn' Chili Beef
Dinner: Strip Steak
Drinks: Pot of Coffee black, Kroger Energy Shot, 900ml water, Several cans of Kroger Seltzer Water Strawberry Lemonade
Weeks Sober 1 (Day 13)

As I was going to bed last night I got a notification on my phone that led to a meditation guidance thing. Which I really appreciate because I've looked up how to meditate before and a lot of them just seem to say, “Okay, just sit there and meditate” what does that mean? Well you sit there and meditate. How do you do that? Well, you just meditate. But last night there was a voice over that encouraged a breathing exercise? Regimen? Session? (I like session, I'll use that one) While reminding me to just focus on the breathing and not allowing the mind to wonder. It said to sit straight up and relaxed, but I did it laying flat in the bed with my arms to my side. I'm not sure how long the session went on for but it was an interesting experience. Particularly after the session was over. It wasn't uncomfortable, but I felt like a log. And it took a lot of effort to move my hand to the phone. I don't remember what I was doing with the phone I think I had to acknowledge that I had completed the session, but I was so relaxed it took a bit of effort to move. I'm looking forward to seeing if it comes up again tonight.

Had breakfast of bacon and eggs out on the patio, felt kind of awkward. It felt like I was on a stage. I'm sure that there wasn't anybody watching, but it did kind feel like I was going, “HEY EVERYBODY i'M HAVING BREAKFAST EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME!!” I keep telling myself that nobody is looking or cares that I'm having breakfast. I decided to start having breakfast outside because I've heard from multiple sources that morning sunlight exposure helps with Seasonal Depression. I would have gotten a bit more sunlight if I would have gotten up earlier. I do like the amount of sleep I did get as I did get to bed at midnight and did get up (not just woke up, but actually got up) at about 8 am. But my building isn't exactly lined up North/South or East/West so the sun had partially moved by the building by the time I got breakfast set up. I did notice that the building across the yard which has a more East/West alignment had more light on their southern side. Today I had showered before breakfast, I think tomorrow I'll have breakfast before showering to have more light on the eastern side of my building. I am looking forward to spring when the sun will start coming coming up in a more northerly direction so it wont be so quick to get to the southern side of my building. Also it is pretty warm for December, but that breeze is still quite cool; warm enough to be outside with a short sleeve shirt for a bit, but not by much.

First half of work really made it easy to make this a “Mark Whines About Work” blog, Customers have been alright, but the coworkers have all been irritating.

I was going to have lunch on the front stoop to try to get some sun exposure during the lunch break but some clouds moved in and the wind picked up. Still quite warm for December, but not something I want to sit out in. Had some of the Tootn' Chili with some shredded cheese and sour cream mixed in, remembered to put the sour cream away today.

I kind of shut down again for the second half of the day. I really didn't do much other than mentally count down the time I had left in the shift. And that is one of the frustrations of my job, so much of it is just waiting for the day to end. I picked up a case of the Seltzer Water and the lady running the self checkout said that she really didn't like the seltzer water because it didn't have a very strong flavor. I told her that I was mainly just buying it because I was trying to stop buying beer. She asked me why I was wanting to quit beer. That is a short question with a lot of answers so I just told her, "Good Night" and walked away. It's strange how many people seem to want a justification for wanting to quit drinking.

For dinner I cooked a stake while watching the live stream that Dr Ken Berry made while I was at work. The steak tasted kind of off. I'm not sure if it was the meat, or because I was doing dishes while it cooked and the dish water might have been on my hands while I ate. My stomach feels better today than it did yesterday, but it would suck if I made myself sick because I overestimated the ability of the vacuum seal bags to keep meat good, or if I happened to "eat" dirty dish water. 


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