Following Up on Labs Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog December 19, 2023

Weight: 336.8 lbs ( 152.8 kg)
BMI: 43.2
Waist: 55.5 in (141 cm)
WtHr: 75%

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs
Lunch: Deconstructed Pizza Casserole
Dinner: Slow Cooked Chuck Roast with Mushroom Gravy
Drinks: Quite a few cans of Seltzer water of various flavors
Weeks Sober 3 (Day 24)

I didn't do much before the Doctor's appointment. I was kind of afraid of eating too much or drinking any coffee because of the effect that the food would have on the scale, or the caffeine in the coffee on the blood pressure. These factors are why I'd prefer to have appointments and meetings in the morning if I could. Not that I have had a whole lot of doctors appointments, but even when I work later in the afternoon, I spend the entire day counting down how much time I have until I have to go into work or that meeting.

The bacon I had for breakfast was the bacon that Stepdad was kind enough to donate to me the other day. When he gave it to me he said that it wasn't very good quality, I thought he was talking about the fat to meat ratio of the bacon. But I was surprised when I opened the package this morning to see how thin the slices of the bacon were. I don't mean to complain about something that was purely a gift. But wow that was some paper thin slices of bacon. (I have to be careful he said that he reads these, hello lol) I was kind of annoyed that when I tried to drain that bacon fat into the jar that I'm trying to keep the bacon grease in I had the coffee filter on the top of that jar on a bit too tight and a lot of the bacon fat just kind of dribbled around the top of my stove. I've been able to learn how to balance the amount of fat to keep in a jar and how much to keep in the pan to cook the following eggs. But seeing the bacon fat just flow off of the top of the coffee filter and skitter all over the top of the stove was kind of annoying.

It was kind of fascinating to go over the blood tests with the doctor. He was really surprised by my lack of vitamin D. He actually called it “Vampiric” because most normal people can generate Vitamin D just with exposure to sunlight. Doctor said that with my level of Vitamin D the best solution would be to sunbathe naked. But the counter thoughts to that is 1. It is December, it's really too freaking cold to be doing that. And 2. My backyard is a chain link fence away from the high school. And that sounds like a good way to get a LOT of drama and a WHOLE LOT of paper work. I was also kind of surprised how low my Omega 3 level was as I was taking a pill every day at breakfast, but when I got home I looked at the supplement bottle that I was taking the pills out of and it said that the serving size was two pills a day two times a day. And I was only taking one pill at breakfast. So yeah, I'm going to start taking those pills two times a day and taking the Vitamin D3's that Stepdad and Mom were nice enough to donate to me. Doc also suggested that I pick up a K2+D3 combination supplement I'll look that supplement up tomorrow at work.


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