Keto/Sobriety Blog March 8, 2025

Weight: 336.6 lbs ( 152.7 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Steak and Eggs Lunch: Bacon Cheeseburger Soup Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 20) Sober Month 2 (Day 81) YMCA: No Causation or correlation? I have cottage cheese and hot dogs one day for lunch, the next day the weight is up. I have a recipe that I have saved for lunch the weight is down. I have Jalapeno cheesy sausages for lunch, the next day the weight is up. It's still among the lowest weigh ins for the year. And I'm still down 10 lbs for the year. I think starting tomorrow I'll start doing the tracking in my phone app again. Maybe start going back to the YMCA on Monday. I wont go tomorrow because with their Sunday hours they are only open while I'm at work. I'm thinking of trying to get into a habit of going into the weight room Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Maybe going to swim on Tuesday...

Re-Balancing Budgeting Spreadsheets Daily Keto/Sobritey Blog July 3, 2024

Weight: 334.2 lbs (149.9 kg)
BMI: 42.9
Waist: 54 in (137.2 cm)
WtHr: 73.0%

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs
Lunch: Basic Chili with cheese and Ranch dressing
Dinner: Baked Bratwursts
Drinks: Pot of Coffee with cream, Kroger Seltzer Mango, Sugar Free Monster
Sober Week 2 (Day 18)


I didn't post last night. It was strange. I was feeling really good all day long, but as soon as the sun went down I had a MASSIVE wave of “don't give a damn.” Hard to describe it as anything else. I think that it might have been because I spent the entire day sitting here at the computer playing Fallout: New Vegas. I managed to get to the YMCA yesterday, but after that I just sat here at the computer just sitting here. I think that broke my mood. It's just so strange for me to go to bed at 10:30pm

I'm going to talk about financial stuff. I was a big hesitant at first, but then again 1. I usually only get about 15 views on each these posts, and 2. If anybody if thinking about stealing/scamming from me. Calm down I work as a supervisor at a grocery store.

Paycheck deposited today because tomorrow is the 4th of July about had a heart attack. It was about 10% bigger than I was budgeting for. Last week the pay check was more than I was budgeting, but it had “retro pay” on it. That means that I got a raise, I didn't re-balance the budget spreadsheet because it's hard telling how much the actual pay check is and how much it is plus or minus the retro pay.

spent all morning and all evening re-balancing the budget spreadsheet, probably should have waited a couple of weeks to make sure that this week's paycheck is going to be the average amount to expect from a paycheck. Next week's paycheck having holiday pay on it isn't going to help with finding out what an “average paycheck” will look like. (Not that I'm complaining about the Holiday Overtime) But there wasn't anything abnormal on this weeks paycheck to make it an abnormal check. And the CSM said that if you work on the holiday it doesn't count towards “Holiday Overtime” which doesn't make much sense to me, but “making sense” is almost the opposite of what is actually what they are going to do. But seriously I was weeping in joy for how much I am making compared to how much my bills are each month. 

The financial strategy is that each week I'll transfer all but what I want to be a weekly "allowance" into my "Bill Savings" account and then on the fourth Thursday of the month I'll pay the bills for the next month transferring enough from the Bill Savings to checking to pay for the bills. But the latest raise makes each paycheck to be enough to pay the monthly bills! I'm still trying to come to grips with this. But it's strangely euphoric to make enough each week to pay the entirety of each months bills!

Really kind of proud of myself that I didn't buy anything during the first half of work. I have a bad habit of buying energy shots/drinks while I'm at work. And I have enough food at home to last until August. I have a couple more cans of Sugar Free Monster Energy still at home. So I didn't have to buy anything for lunch. I did have to fight the habitual urge a couple of times looking at the Energy shots I just kept telling myself that I wasn't tired. And as I was leaving for lunch I was able to convince myself that I had food and drink at home and I didn't need to buy anything as I was leaving the store. I was able to avoid buying more energy drinks for the second half of work. Again I am proud that I left the store for the day without buying anything. It seems to be such a simple brag. But it won't mean much to make enough to pay the bills each week if I'm spending all of each of the weekly pay checks on extra food and meaningless "energy" drinks

Quite a bit of fireworks going off outside tonight. Considering that it's the night before The Fourth of July I'm not hating on anybody launching the “Rockets Red Glare” or the “Bombs bursting in air” but I'm just thinking that it would be nice to have the money to light on fire. (my opinion on fireworks)

I did receive some coupons in the mail. Supposedly these coupons are biased on your shopping habits. And considering I received a coupon for free seltzer water as well as coupons for ground beef and bratwursts they might be on to something.


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