Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

A body at rest 9-26-20


Weight: 362.2 lbs

Waist: 58 in

Breakfast: leftover chili mac

Lunch: Deli Baked chicken, Sugar Free Rockstar energy

Dinner: kind of had nacho's without chips

Snack: Fritos corn chips


Finished off the last of the soda that I had leftover. Hoping that I don't buy anymore. Didn't pick up any beer after work so that is a start. Did pick up a couple of 2 litters of diet soda with groceries tonight. Little disappointed with that. I finished the chili that cooked the other night and for dinner tonight I tried to make some sort of Mexican dinner mix. Ground a pound of hamburger, added a pack of taco seasoning and a small container of the Velveeta brick cheese. It ended up making something a lot like what I call Nachos. My nachos really is the same with a large brick of Velveeta. I'm always up to eat a bowl of cheese, but it really wasn't what I was going for.

Something was really off with me this morning and early afternoon before work. I went to bed around midnight I'll say that I gained consciousness around 9 am. Can't really say that I was awake, because WOW I was useless the entire day. I worked from 2-8 and each one of my arms and legs felt like they weighed a ton a piece. I laid down and took a couple of naps before work and each time I couldn't do much more than sit at my computer. I felt fine when I got to work, and I don't seem to have any problems breathing or any other symptoms so I don't think I'm sick. It might just be Newtonian physics. A body at rest will stay at rest. If that is the case I'm not sure why I feel so bad now compared to how I usually feel. Unless it is because I am trying to turn things around and my inner child is sitting down throwing a tantrum.

Speaking about throwing tantrums we're do for a pretty serious weather change tonight and this week and people were seriously grumpy today. And all of the children were running around screaming. Looking foreword to the fall weather, it's just annoying to deal with people as their dealing with the atmosphere change


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