Keto/Sobriety Blog March 12, 2025
Weight: 336.2 lbs
( 152.5 kg)
BMI: 43.2
Waist: 56 in (142.2 cm)
WtHr: 75.7%
Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Italian Wedding Soup
Drinks: Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar
Free Monster, Powerade Zero Orange,
Keto Day 1
Month 2 (Day 85)
Happy Birthday Mom. Technically her birthday is “tomorrow” but she reads these in the morning lol. She replied on Facebook to yesterday's post of me voicing my frustration of being the exact same weight as the previous day. She seemed more bothered by my frustration than I was. It's just that the same weight as the day before is a bit irritating. But when you get to it it's just one point of data in the stream.
Had potatoes for dinner last night, but I didn't seem to gain much this morning.
I didn't get to the YMCA this morning either as I slept in too late to get over there. I've been going to bed around midnight, but before Daylight Savings started I was waking up right at 8am and now that we've “Sprung Forward” I'm waking up right at 9am. I'm sure that I'll eventually start waking up earlier, but it might take another week or two. I'd rather not set an alarm if I don't have to.
It was cold in the living room when I woke up again this morning as, once again, I had left the windows open. I closed the windows. I was about to turn the heater on, but I had the thought that our ancestors didn't turn on the heater whenever it got “a little bit chilly”. And I realized that I could just hold on for a little bit and it would be fine. And within the hour it was perfect temperature in here.
Roommate had a bit of a disturbing announcement this morning as he told me that when he gets his local job he wants to get another dog, so that Murphy wont get lonely while we're both at work. I was just getting used to one dog. Now he wants me to be tripping over two of them. The landlord hasn't mentioned the “pet fee” since Roommate came back home. I'm not sure if he hasn't noticed, or hasn't been informed, or maybe he's being nice. But if we keep getting more and more pets it might be hard to keep it quiet.
I didn't get a chance to get the printer going before I left for work. But at lunch time I did set a file up to print. Or rather I tried to get the printer to print a file. For some reason the software kept giving me a network error when I tried to send the file from the computer to the printer. So I used the memory card to move the file over. It started to print, but about an hour later it printer just stopped. It didn't say there was an error or anything wrong. It just stopped. It was saying that it was still going. But looking at the camera feed. It wasn't going. I spent two hours after work trying to get the printer going. I thought maybe it was the file, but even trying other files that I've already done before. It just didn't want to print anything. It's really starting to get to me. It worked perfectly. It was going 100% perfectly fine for two days. And then. Nothing. It just doesn't want to work this evening.
And that was after coming home dealing with the idiots at work. I get that being a supervisor I have to tell people to do their jobs. But good lord the babysitting was getting old tonight. I'm sure if I wrote down a "Mark Whines about Work" post it would triple the length of this post. But lets just say that I'd feel a lot more sympathetic to people being "sick" if they weren't throwing up every other time they worked.
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