
Showing posts from March, 2023

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Short Staffed Daily Keto Blog March 31, 2023

Weight: 332.4 lbs ( 150.8 kg) BMI: 42.7 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Pizza Soup Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Pot of coffee, 12pk Ranch Water Hard Seltzer      Had a slow start this morning. Calves were stiff and sore. Feet didn't hurt that much, but both of my legs felt like they had mild Charley horses. I'm seeing this as kind of a good thing. Early Ketosis is known for muscle soreness. From my understanding this is caused by a lack of electrolytes. I took some magnesium and potassium supplements and put some extra salt on the eggs and bacon I had for breakfast. Being thirsty is also a sign of Keto, and I was able to finish the entire pot of coffee before I left for work.       Finished the editing and uploaded the Keto Taco Casserole recipe video. It'll be live this Tuesday. I'm not very confident about that video. I was distracted by the thought that I had already done that one and I just could not s...

Register 1 Is Open Store Stories


Loud day at work Daily Keto Blog March 30. 2023

Weight: 333.4 lbs ( 151.2 kg) BMI: 42.8 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Pizza Soup Dinner: BakedChicken Drinks: cup of coffee, ~1800 ml Water, 2x Kroger energy shots,      Stayed up later than I should have last night getting a recipe video done, but that's what I get for trying to get three recipe videos done on the same day with one of those videos being a slow cooker recipe. It is a quicker recipe than most slow cooker recipes, but it was still a three hour recipe that I started around 9 o'clock. I didn't do any of the editing on it, but I still couldn't just go to bed after recording a video. Sleep would just not happen. So I ended up sleeping a bit too long.      Was able to get breakfast cooked and eaten. Would have had a bit more coffee drank this morning if I would have remembered to put water in the coffee maker when I first turned it on. I'm glad that I noticed that it wasn't making coffee before I end...

Working on videos Daily Keto Blog March 29, 2023

Weight: 334.2 lbs (151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 56 in ( 141.0 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Keto Taco Casserole Dinner: Keto Cheeseburger Helper Drinks: Pot of coffee, ~3000 ml Water      Curious, the weight has been fluctuating quite a bit over this month. Would be nice if the weight was tracking more downwards, but is kind of odd how it's been so up and down over the last couple of weeks.      Got a haircut today. Every time I get a haircut I tell myself that I'm not going to let it get so long. And then it's six months later when I get the next haircut because the hair is starting to drive me crazy. I also want to give the stylist a hard time about “cutting the bangs too far back” (receding hairline) but I always chicken out. I always spend the rest of the day waving my head around because it feels different without the long hair.      Finished the Store Story video and got it uploaded. And got some of the ...

Daily Blog March 28, 2023

Weight: 337.6 lbs ( 151.9 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 55.5 in ( 141.0 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: eggs fried in butter Lunch: Bogeys Jalapeno Burger, 1/2 Order Chili Cheese Fries Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: pot of coffee with cream and butter      I set the alarms this morning to wake up for the six o'clock hour this morning. So naturally I woke up at 8:30 -_-. I remember going to bed pretty close to midnight, but the app on my phone that is connected to my smart watch is saying that I didn't get to sleep until after 3am. So I'm not sure what happened there. My feet did hurt this morning, but not as bad as yesterday morning, I wonder if what the difference between mac and cheese and the Velveeta Skillet Dinner is. The skillet dinner does have a powdered flavor packet that goes into it as well so maybe that has something to do with it? Knees are popping and cracking like crazy; they don't hurt or anything it's just a strange sharp SNAP noise when I sit still too l...

Daily Blog March 27, 2023

Weight: 334.8 lbs ( 151.9 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 55.5 in ( 141.0 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Hot Dogs Dinner: Pork Steak, Mac and cheese Drinks: Couple cups of Coffee with cream, Kroger Energy Shot, Kroger Sparkling Water, Milwaukee's Best, Natural ICE Beer      Woke up this morning with rolling pain in the feet with each step, was expecting that with the dinner I had last night.      Got some dishes done before work, kind of a frustration that I feel like I'm always doing dishes. This is one of the benefits of the meal planning that I want to be doing. Sure there are a lot of dishes to do once or twice a week, but for most of the rest of the week all you need to do is rinse off the bowl or plate you ate lunch or dinner in/on.      Had hot dogs for lunch. I was out of mustard at home so I picked up a bottle of spicy brown mustard. But I put too much on the hot dogs and that stuff was really sour and bitter and kind...

Clumsy Day Daily Blog March 26, 2023

Weight: 335.4 lbs ( 152.1 kg) BMI: 43.1 Waist: 56 in ( 137.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Cottage cheese with ranch, salt, and pepper Dinner: Velveeta Cheeseburger Skillet Dinner Drinks: Cup of coffee with cream, 2x Kroger energy shots, 2L Big K Caffeine free Diet Cola      Today was a very clumsy day. It seemed like everything I touched I was knocking something else over. Every thing I typed out was misspelled or worded wrong or said it in the right way. Brain and body is just kind of floppy today. I have a guess that it has something to do with how much stress I had this last week at work.      I did take the time to do a Weekly Weigh In video. When I was making it I wasn't very confident that I had made a very good video. But when I got home this evening and looked over it again it doesn't seem that bad. But this afternoon when I was uploading it I had a hard time getting set up like it should be, tags attached, correct play ...

Clumsiness All Around Weekly Weigh In 3-26-23


Working on a Video Daily Keto Blog March 25, 2023

Weight: 334.4 lbs ( 151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 56 in ( 137.2 cm) WtHr: 75.6% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Cottage cheese with ranch, salt, and pepper Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Cup of coffee with cream, 2x Kroger energy shots, ~2700ml water      Not a very productive morning. I really just spent it counting down until I have to get ready for work. That is a frustration that I have in my life. I never take the time to do anything, I just count down how much time I have left before I have to do something else. I do the same thing with money. I never save any, I just average out how much I have and how much I could spend each day to make it last until the next thing I have to pay for. But then it becomes more of a spending goal instead of a savings goal.      Another “fun” day at work. But at least I remembered that I was wanting cottage cheese for lunch. I added a bit of ranch dressing into the cottage cheese with the epic amounts of salt and pep...

Daily Keto Blog March 24, 2023

Weight: 334.2 lbs ( 151.6 kg) BMI: 42.9 Waist: 54 in ( 137.2 cm) WtHr: 73.0% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Couple cups of coffee with cream, Kroger energy shot, ~2700ml water,      Waist circumference was down today, but I'm not sure how much of that was losing belly fat, or how much of that was the gut just sagging. The weight was down pretty good today so I might just be being down on myself.      I was really hungry this morning so I cooked an extra slice of bacon. But it just made it so the bacon went cold before I was able to eat it all. I also didn't get it cooked crispy. It was cooked enough to have it so it wouldn't make me sick, but just not in the crispy form that I'd prefer.      I was going to leave my debit card at home, but I have seemed to have ran out of precooked meals. I keep thinking that I'm going to go online to look up some recipes, ...

Help Police! There's a Security Guard Store Stories


Daily Keto Blog March 23, 2024

Weight: 337.6 lbs ( 153.1 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Cabbage Soup Dinner: Slow Cooker BBQ Chuck Roast Drinks: Couple cups of coffee with cream, ~1,000ml water, 2x Kroger energy shot    My feet this morning felt like they were in a vice! Particularly along the sides of the feet. Not sure if that was because I'm back to work from PTO last week, because my weight is trending back upwards, or because of the Mac and Cheese that I had last night. Calves were also really stiff and sore.      Work was another challenging day. I have no idea why it was so stomping busy all day long. People were loading up their carts and having orders in the hundreds and hundreds of dollars. And there were other things that would make this post a small novel about whining about work and that's just not what I want this blog to be.     I was able to avoid buying lunch again today. The main thought that hel...

Daily Blog March 22, 2023

Weight: 335.4 lbs ( 152.1 kg) BMI: 43.1 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Tacos De Alambre Dinner: Pork Steak, Mac and Cheese Drinks: Couple cups of coffee with cream, ~1,000ml water    Woke up this morning thinking that I really needed to get that one thing done. It's really important to get that thing done before I get ready for work. Whatever I do I need to get that one thing done before I leave. I have no idea what that thing is. I just can't shake the feeling that there's something important that I need to be doing.      Yesterday I was enjoying the weather and opened up the windows and turned off the heater. When I went to bed last night I forgot to close the windows so it was a bit chilly in the house this morning. It smelled really nice, a fog had rolled in last night so there was a very spring smell throughout the house. I thought about closing the windows and turning the heater back on, but the fresh air was ...

Went on a Walkabout Daily Keto Blog March 21, 2023

Weight: 337.0 lbs ( 152.9 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Cottage Cheese with pepper Dinner: Queso Soup Drinks: Pot of coffee,    Again I was hesitant to make this post. Standing on the scale to see such an increase on the scale really is disheartening. And I spent most of the first half of the day kind of sitting here pouting that my weight has gone up. I did manage go record and upload a Store Story. It'll go live this Friday.      The corned beef that I had last night for dinner really messed up my stomach today. I could get into some TMI material, but lets say my bathroom smelt extremely bad most of the day.      I was getting frustrated sitting around the house. I kept pacing around the house thinking, “I'm not a prisoner here” but I couldn't think of anything to do. I thought about trying to work on the 3D printers again, but I didn't want to feel that level of frustration again...

Working on 3D Printers Daily Keto Blog March 20, 2023

Weight: 333.4 lbs ( 151.2 kg) BMI: 42.8 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Kroger Cheddar Bratwursts Dinner: Corned Beef Drinks: Pot of coffee Spent most of last night like a rotisserie chicken, just spinning around in bed. I'm pretty sure that it was close to 4am before I got to sleep. The three energy shots yesterday was probably to blame. I was going to try to get the 3D printers working, but it was almost noon before I even got out of bed. And I do realize that it is a strange complaint to sleep in until noon. But that really kinds of messes up your day. I did realize that I did a carnivore day as I set up the slow cooker. I did kick myself for running to the store to pick up some more bratwursts and bacon. I really didn't need to spend more money today. I have two 3D printers one I call Big Guy, and the other I call little bro. Big guy is the bigger of the printers it is a Creality Cr10s printer it has a build volume of 500mm cu...

Daily Keto Blog March 19, 2023

Weight: 333.2 lbs ( 151.1 kg) BMI: 42.8 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Hot Dogs Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Pot of coffee, 3x Kroger Energy shot, ~1400 ml water, 2 L Dt Caffeine free Big K Cola      I did wake up early enough to get the weigh in video done; just barely. I had a lot of alarms set for the 5am hour, but just rolled through them And I did get breakfast done as well. Which was nice. There's been a couple of weeks where I've had to decide between breakfast and weigh in video. LOL That makes it sound dramatic, but I am proud that I have yet to skip out on a weigh in video this year so far.      Today was first day back from PTO, can't really call it “Vacation” I didn't go anywhere. The first day back is always a day that takes a lot of self control. With how I have to repeat myself, repeat myself, repeat myself. And deal with people that can't seem to see the very obvious solutions right in front of t...

Down In Mood, Up In Weight Weekly Weigh In 3/19/23


End of Vacation Daily Blog March 18, 2023

Weight: 332.2 lbs ( 150.7 kg) BMI: 42.6 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Linner: St Luis Style Ribs Drinks: Pot of coffee, ~1800ml water    I really didn't track today. Heck I didn't do much worth tracking this whole week I spent all day sitting here at my computer. I am on vacation and vacations are for sitting down and chilling, but I couldn't help but thinking about all of the stuff that I wanted to get done this week and didn't get done this week.      I should probably stop complaining about working at the store, or not getting videos done. I had all week to do something about those, but instead I just sat here at my computer binging on the various social media sites.     Earlier this week my weight did go up quite a bit, but it has gone back down. I do get that weight fluctuates, but it gone all the way back up to 340 and now it's back down to the lower 330's which was a surprise that it fluctuates that ...

Woo-hoo 400th post Daily Keto Blog

Weight: 333.4 lbs ( 151.2 kg) BMI: 42.8 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Too Busy Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Pot of Coffee, ~2700ml water Sure, this isn't the 400th daily blog post, but it's the 400th post on this blog. Kind of feeling proud about that. Waking up was strange this morning. It was a very smooth wake up. A smooth wake up at 5am. I do want to start waking up earlier in the day so a 5am wake up is fine for me, but still...strange I just DON'T wake up at 5 in the freaking morning. What was really strange was that I just kind of regained consciousness. It is hard to describe, maybe I'm just used to be awoken by alarm settings on my watch or phone. It was really kind of nice to have the quiet wake up. It was kind of frustrating that it still took me another four or five hours before I could get up and doing anything.      Made a meal plan for next week. And took the opportunity to thaw out the ice buildup in the ...

They're Going to Grow Their Own Gardens Store Stories


Mouth Hungry Daily Blog March 16, 2023

Weight: 336.4 lbs ( 153.1 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 55 in ( 139.7 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Not hungry Lunch: Ribs Dinner: BBQ Slow Cooked Chuck Roast Drinks: Pot of Coffee, 12 pk Bud Light    When I woke up this morning I was going to cook up some bacon and eggs like I normally do, but I really wasn't hungry. I convinced myself that I was just cooking breakfast out of habit. And when I started writing this out I started getting hungry, but I'm pretty sure that's just because I'm thinking about food. I call this effect “Mouth Hungry” a quick google search shows that “Mouth Hungry” is a term used by other people and has different meanings for what I've used it for. But it is important to remember that physical hunger is different from emotional and/or mental for taste of hunger.      Strange weather today. When I woke up it was almost 60 (15 c) but some heavy clouds moved in. The forecast for this afternoon was 36 (2 C) The way the sky darkened and wind picked u...

Daily Blog March 15, 2023

Weight: 338.2 lbs ( 153.9 kg) BMI: 43.4 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Linner: Ribs Drinks: Case of Keystone Light Beer      I really didn't feel like writing today's blog (seriously I flipped a coin to determine to post today or not) I'm still on vacation time this week, so I just sat here at my computer playing video games and watching YouTube. That just doesn't seem like a very compelling read. I started off the day thinking that I was going to clean up the house a bit, but never got around to doing any cleaning. I did get some dishes washed, but that's hardly worth bragging about.      Honestly today was one of the days that I was worried about at the start of this week. Where I'm just sitting here at my computer not doing anything, blinking and then it's several hours later. My vacation is already half over and I've only finished one or two videos that I've wanted to work on.      I did bake a ra...

Forgot to click publish Daily Blod March 14, 2023

Weight: 339.2 lbs ( 153.9 kg) BMI: 43.5 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Linner: Nachos Drinks: Pot of coffee with cream, case of Bud Ice      Well I was going to save half of the taco salad that I made yesterday for lunch today but I was mouth hungry last night so I finished off the salad last night; probably why I'm up so high on the weigh in this morning. That and the mac and cheese that I've had over the last couple of days. That's the thing about Keto, it does great while you're doing it, but it sucks when you're not. It is kind of crazy that I'm up 9 pounds (4 kg) in three days. I'm going to have nachos this evening and that's the last of the food that I had the coupons for today and tomorrow I'll be back on the diet. I'm just blown away by the 9lbs in three days. I have been sitting down most of the last several days. So I haven't been good on either of the weight loss theories (Calories in/out or Ket...

Daily Blog March 13, 2023

Weight: 335.8 lbs ( 150.3 kg) BMI: 43.1 Waist: 55 in ( 138.4 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Mac and Cheese with Corned beef brisket Dinner: Taco Salad Drinks: Pot of coffee      Woke up later than I want to today. I'm still guessing that Daylight savings time is throwing me off. It really did mess me up yesterday. It was about noon before I even got breakfast done. And even though I set up the slow cooker for the corned beef it was almost midnight before it was done so I had some of the mac and cheese that I had bought the other day (Had a coupon and you have to buy the stuff you have a coupon for right?)      Today I did start off on my diet pretty good with the Bacon and eggs. I had a late lunch because even though it was four almost five in the afternoon it still felt like early in the morning. Lunch today was the corned beef brisket that I had in the slow cooker yesterday. I set up the slow cooker yesterday because the corned be...

First Day Vacation Daily Blog March 12, 2023

Weight: 331.4 lbs ( 150.3 kg) BMI: 42.5 Waist: 54.5 in ( 138.4 cm) WtHr: 73.6% Brunch: Egg Stuff Dinner: Texmex Mac and cheese Drinks: Pot of coffee Happy Birthday Mom. I'm writing this on the 12 th , but by the time she reads this it'll be her birthday. She is the the one who told me about the Keto diet and convinced me to try it. A bit clumsy getting the weigh in video done today. When I first got on the scale to get the numbers for the weigh in I was kind of bummed because it was higher than yesterday's post. But today's weigh in has me wearing a pair of shorts, socks, and a shirt. (have to have some modesty) and comparing today's numbers to last weeks numbers really was quite encouraging. I guess that I followed my diet a lot better last week than I have the previous couple of weeks. And it really is amazing how much the diet effects me mentally Egg Stuff this morning kind of messed me up for the day. And the mac and texmex mac and cheese really ...

Good Weigh In, Clumsy Video weekly weigh in 3 12 23


Day Before Vacation Daily Keto Blog March 11, 2023

Weight: 330.2 lbs ( 150.4 kg) BMI: 42.4 Waist: 55 in ( 141 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Cottage Cheese with pepper Lunch: Southwest Detox Chicken Soup Dinner: Baked Pork Steak Drinks: 2x Kroger energy shots, ~2700ml water Whoop, back down to 330lbs! Let's go get pizza!      I have plenty of eggs, but I am out of bacon. This is sad, this makes me sad. (joke) When I bought the eggs I had got the big 60 pack of eggs and I got two of the big things of bacon. And the container of eggs lasted longer than the bacon. I chose to eat the cottage cheese that I bought yesterday for lunch. A lot of people on Keto skip breakfast, but I feel if I were to try that off the cuff I'd be obsessing over food for the rest of the day. I will probably still be doing that since today's breakfast was so different from normal. And I didn't get coffee started this morning before work, so I guess how that'll effect me as well.      Came home for lunch. I had forgotten my phon...

Daily Keto Blog March 10, 2023

Weight: 331.6 bs ( 150.4 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 55 in ( 141 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Fathead lasagna Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Pot of coffee, 2x Kroger energy shots, 3600ml water      Had a real smert moment this morning. Every day I step on the scale before I shower and I started the coffee pot before I went back upstairs to shower. I got out of the shower and heard a strange noise like water running downstairs. In the post shower stupor my brain told me that the noise was just the coffee pot working. (I googled post shower stupor to see if that's a common thing and unnervingly every search with that combination of words was about alcohol poisoning I think that's strange) Eventually I did go back downstairs and I found out what the running water noise was. I had somehow forgotten to put the carafe back into the coffee maker so it was spilling coffee everywhere. They say don't cry over spilled milk. But I did stand there for a bit staring ...

I Need To Get Out of Here Store Stories


Daily Keto Blog March 9, 2023

Weight: 332.6 lbs ( 150.9 kg) BMI: 42.7 Waist: 55 in ( 141 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Brunch: Jonsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Lin ner: St Luis style ribs Drinks: 2x Kroger energy shots, ~3600ml water    Looking at the statistics for the blog it is interesting that the blog site says that the largest number of hits outside of the United States is Germany, but according to Google Analytics the next biggest country is Ireland. ( Komm Freund, schalte den Werbeblocker aus)     Was supposed to be off today, but the 7am to noon checker called in, hooray for overtime. My knees and everything down were telling me that I should have said no to the overtime. I agreed to stay until noon, but the customer service manager told me that the customer service was overstaffed so she sent me home "early" and she checked instead.      I'm very more than annoyed that my watch is already broken. The watch face has separated from the rest of the body of the watch. ...

Editing a Video and Looking over Digital Coupons Daily Keto Blog March 8, 2023

Weight: 334.8bs ( 151.9 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 55 in ( 141 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Cottage Cheese with salt and pepper Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks: Pot of coffee with cream, Kroger energy shot, ~2700ml water      Got breakfast done and a store story video recorded before getting ready for work. It was a three part video of people that I had to deal with in one day that really set off my “Fight or Flight” instincts. The unedited video was pretty close to an entire hour long video, so we'll see how long it'll be once I edit all of the “um's” and “uh's” and looking at the script out of it. I'll try to post it tomorrow (Thursday)      Coming home for lunch to work on editing the video I saw a school bus up ahead of the street and I saw its stop sign and lights were on. I was pretty sure that this was my mother. She drives a school bus and I've seen her drive this route before. As she drove closer I saw that it was my mother and I...

Daily Keto Blog March 7, 2023

Weight: 332.2bs ( 150.7 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 55 in ( 141 cm) WtHr: 74.3% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Kroger Cheddar Bratwursts Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Pot of coffee with cream, 3600ml water      I didn't plan out a meal this week. I did run to the store to grab some more cream for my coffee. I did catch myself staring at the beer cooler. I noticed that one of the beers had a tagline on it that read, “The only one with beer in it” Kind of makes me wonder what the other ones have in them. I picked up some cheddar bratwursts because it was strange to go to the store for just one thing. But that's what I should have done I didn't need to spend money on bratwursts.      I uploaded The General Update video that I would like to do on the first Monday of every month. I do realize that today is Tuesday and I want to have Tuesdays to be recipe videos. But I figured since I missed the video yesterday I'll just made the general update video today. I was...

Jury Duty and Vacations General Update Vlog March 2023


Daily Keto Blog March 6, 2023

Weight: 336.8 lbs ( 153.1 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Cottage Cheese with salt and pepper Dinner: BBQ Beef Chuck Roast Drinks: Pot of coffee with cream, ~1800ml water      Spent the morning this morning convening myself that I needed to get up. I wasn't feeling bad, in fact I was feeling a bit too good. A bit of a body at rest staying at rest. I did manage to get a good chunk of the general update video script done. I did think about recording that video when I went home for lunch. But someone made me angry on the way home and if I made a video right after that the entire video would be about that idiot. I thought about doing it after work, but I would be listening to Radio Dead Air and probably not have the energy to make a very good video. I'll try to post it tomorrow (Tuesday). So I'm trying to get the General Update Vlog done and posted and then I have a store story scripted and ready to go so I'll try ...

Daily Keto Blog March 5, 2023

Weight: 337.6 lbs ( 153.1 kg) BMI: 43.3 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Hot Dogs Dinner: Spaghetti Squash with ground beef and mushroom onion pasta sauce Drinks: Kroger energy shot, 2 L Big K Decaffeinated Cola, 900ml Water      Got the weigh in done this morning. Quite proud of myself that I got all 10 weigh ins and all the daily blogs done so far this year. I have more 2023 weigh ins done by the start of March than I did the entirety of 2022. If I keep it up, by the end of March I'll have more posts on here than I did all of last year.      I came home from work for lunch. For the last several days I've been wanting to set up the slow cooker with a chuck roast that I bought a couple of weeks ago with a digital coupon. It was in the freezer for most of that time so it's still good. But I keep forgetting to set it up before I head back to work. What I didn't forget to do was pick up a pack of hot dogs on the wa...

Weekly Weigh In 3-5-2023


A short one Daily Blog March 4, 2023

Weight: 337.8 lbs ( 153.2 kg) BMI: 43.4 Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Tacos Del Alambre Dinner: Kroger Cheddar Bratwursts Drinks:Kroger energy shot, 5 hour energy shot      Slept in too long to get anything done before work this morning. Not sure what happened, but as least I finally got eight hours of sleep. But I was still very low energy all day. When I got home from work I finally got around to logging my spending. This is something I really need to do every single day, but I just hadn't the last week or so. I really haven't been following any of my plans. They really aren't hard plans it's just a matter of discipline      This is a really short post because it's a bit of a rush job. I spent too long after work logging my spending re-balancing graphs to put much thought into the blog. If I was doing this everyday like I want to be doing it wouldn't have been an issue, but here we are.

Working on a Script Daily Blog March 3, 2023

Weight: 335.6 lbs ( kg) BMI: 43.1 Waist: 56 in ( cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Beddar with cheddar sausages with ranch dressing Dinner: Baked Chicken Drinks:2 L Mtn Dew, Kroger Energy shot      Not going to say much in today's blog. I spent the last day or two working on a script for a Store Story video so I'm using up all of the writing creativity in that script.      I drank the Mt Dew this morning because it was what I bought the other day when my roommate gave me some money to get some burgers and chips. I was going to take it back to the store and switch it out for some diet mt dew, but I just drank it this morning. Because, meh, why not? Well, other than the crap ton of sugar and other chemicals in regular mtn dew.      For lunch I picked up a pack of Johnsonville Beddar with cheddar sausages. I picked those up because I wanted some cheese and ranch dressing, but I forgot how much those taste li...