Low Gas Level Keto/Sobriety Blog Feb 19, 2025
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Weight: 343.6 lbs
(155.9 kg)
BMI: 44.1
Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm)
WtHr: 78.4%
Sausage Ham Egg and Cheese Scramble
Lunch: Bar-S Hot Dogs
Pork Steak
Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Diet Arizona
Lemonade Tea, Celsius Fuji Apple Pear, Powerade Zero Orange
Keto Day 3
Month 2 (Day 64)
I ended up using my nose on my phone to set up some videos to fall asleep to. It didn't take much of the shortening to cover my hands. I wonder if I bought too much. There was only one size of can, but it only took a couple of fingertips full to cover the entirety of my hands. It was a bit distracting to have my hands inside of socks. And I probably shouldn't have used the socks that I wore yesterday. There was a smell, but the crustiness was more distracting. The warmth on my hands was nice though. When I woke up this morning the hands had kind of stiff skin on the back of them, but they didn't hurt. I'll continue the experiment to see if it helps. But I'll probably use clean socks.
Last night when I made the pizza I only used half of the pound of sausage and half of the container of diced ham, so this morning I used the other half of the sausage and the rest of the ham and scrambled some eggs into it with a couple of tablespoons of butter and about a cup of shredded cheese. And that was a pretty good combination. I thought that the ranch dressing would go good in it, but again, seed oil.
Although the scale does show that the weight has gone up, my feet didn't hurt this morning. Makes me wonder if the pain in the feet is more than just the excess weight.
I was a bit nervous leaving for work. I got the “Low Fuel” alert on Sunday. The low gas alert comes on at 20 miles (32 km) to empty. I don't like driving too much when the low fuel warning is on as I know that 20 miles is an estimate. However I drove to the big store on the north end of town on Monday and on Tuesday. Which is 3 miles (4.8 km) away from my house. So a 6 mile (9.7 kg) round trip twice. So I was down to an estimated 20 miles left and then drove maybe about 12 miles (19 km) back and forth. Of course that leaves another 8 miles (12 km) left for work that's 2 miles (3 km) away, but again, that's an estimate. And also what made me nervous about leaving for work was my car was kind of stuck on the snow and I had to drive back and forth in the parking spot to get out. I didn't think that I was going to get out for a moment as there was once or twice that I tried to go backwards or forward and the tires just spun a bit. Burning a bit more gas that I didn't want to be burning.
Today is the first day of the weekly ad so I was looking to see if there were any interesting Digital Coupons. And it is a bit disturbing that when sorting them by “Relevance” the top ones are for beer. I get that I've only been dry for two months, but it kinda sucks that it thinks that the only thing that I want to buy is beer. And I get that I bought a lot of beer. But come on.
Feet did start hurting just before lunch, but they had me work a 5/3 split again today. So I was standing around for five hours. I'm wanting to start taking breaks on longer shifts, but today blew by so fast I was kind of surprised that it was already 4 O'clock and it'd be kind of silly to take a 15 minute break right before an hour lunch.
I forgot to buy
lotion yesterday with the groceries so I picked some at the lunch
break. And because of my fuel situation, I stayed at work and had
some hot dogs. It did take some self control to not get fried
chicken. What was really unnerving was that after lunch I had put some lotion on my hands and the back of my hands turned into a ghastly purple. When I showed the two people in the customer service desk the weird purple color my hands had turned they almost threw the lotion bottle that they had at me. The purple did fade away with more lotion. But that was definitely new to me. But with the new lotion the pain has faded. They're still red and quite a bit of cracks, but at least they don't hurt and there's no bleeding. I'll still put the shortening and socks on them tonight.
A new hire finished their computer training today and tomorrow they're going to be doing in person training on the registers with another cashier. and the lady running the customer service desk felt it necessary to "warn" everybody that the new hire was trans. "He wants to be called 'She'" I personally could not care less. "He, She, It, They, Them, Those," None of these labels are necessary or useful to run a register. The register is not affected by your gender alignment. If you're there to work, then work.
Before I left work a guy I work with suggested that I used the remote start feature on my car to warm it up before I leave so I could warm it up. I don't know why he felt like he needed to tell me this. But I told him that the remote start feature wouldn't work right now because I am low on fuel. And that completely bewildered him. It makes perfect sense to me that if the car is low on gas you don't want the car to sit there burning more gas just siting there. Right now I'm just praying that I have enough gas to get home tonight and get to the gas station in the morning. "But it's really cold outside if you don't start the car it'll be cold when you get out there, don't you want your car to be warm when you get off?" It's not really about "want" I "want" to have enough gas to get home. And the car won't remote start if it is low on gas. It really doesn't matter how cold it is outside, or what I "want" it to do.
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