Keto/Sobriety Blog Feb 14, 2025
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Weight: 343.2 lbs
( 155.7 kg)
BMI: 44.1
Waist: 58 in (149.9 cm)
WtHr: 78.4%
Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Taco Soup
Dinner: Slow Cooker Bottom
Round Roast
Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free
Keto Day 4
Month 1 (Day 59)
There are not a whole lot of polite words to describe that wind out there. I am so ready for spring, it's not even funny. They are talking about more snow this weekend. It did warm up a little later in the afternoon, but that wind was going bananas all day long.
I slept with the latex gloves on. The hands still look rough, but at least the skin doesn't hurt.
The sleep tracker app is saying that I didn't fall asleep until 2:45, which is a bit of a surprise as I didn't think that I had a hard time falling asleep. And I did wake up really easily this morning and I felt well rested at 7:30. Roommate asked me if the smell of weed had woke me up as he could smell it coming through the wall. I personally didn't smell it. But good lord, starting up smoking weed already by 7:30 in the morning? I've heard that marijuana isn't addictive, or at least it isn't as addictive as nicotine, but if they're hitting it before the sun even gets done coming up, they might want to look at their lives.
Roommate had a doctors appointment this morning. They said that he should be back to work by the end of March, which is three or four weeks later than they had originally said. But at least he's done with the wound vac and home healthcare. But he said that they were wanting him to start going to daily Lymphedema treatments. We're not sure what time of day they're wanting him to come in for his daily appointments, but I usually work 11-8 with Tuesdays off.
I came across a documentary talking about what early hominids ate. And Dr Berry will be glad that they mostly talked about them eating meat and shellfish. Interestingly there was a group in what is now Spain that had a plant biased diet. But that was only one group of the five or six places that they talked about. There was one other place that they found some evidence for early bread making. And one guy had residue of a tree bark that is known to have medicinal properties. Somehow that gave them the idea that they didn't have a meat biased diet. They spent the better part of 40 minutes talking about how the paleolithic people were eating all kinds of meat from deer, to horses, to shellfish, but they hurriedly talked about cereals and early breads so they could say that they didn't only eat meat.
I had to struggle to not buy any snacks or soda in the first half of the day. I kept asking myself, “Do I want a soda, or Slim Jim, or do I want to save $500 a month?” You'll have to forgive me if I keep coming back to that idea, but that's almost the cost of one and a half to two brand new 3D printers a month. For what? Extra pee? Pain in the feet? I did grab a can of Cream of Mushroom Soup for the roast that I put in the slow cooker for Dinner. But that is all I bought today.
Lunch was a bowl of Taco Soup with a big spoonful of Sour Cream. And wow, that's a good combination. I had a can of Zero Sugar Monster from the case, this one was flavored Ultra Peachy Keen. I'm not usually a fan of Peach flavored things, but this one wasn't bad. And doing the math on the case of Monster it is so much cheaper to buy it by the case. $22.99 for the 12pk makes it $1.92 per can, buying them singly makes them $3.35 per can (not sponsored) I think that this is going to be my plan on the energy drinks. I'll only drink the Monster energy drinks on my lunch breaks. A 12 pack with only one can per day will last more than two weeks.
The second half of the day was absolutely insanely busy. There was the fact that there is 4x Fuel Points on Friday, today being Valentines Day, and rumors of snow this weekend brought what felt like all of Kansas into the store. I was so tired by the end of the night it wasn't funny. Annoyingly as I was on the register the entire day I didn't get my step count up high enough. So even though I spent 8 hours running my ass off, I'll get a notification tomorrow that I should try to "move more"
My hands started off the day alright, but by the end of the night the back of my hands were bright red and painful, at least they weren't bleeding . I'm going to wear gloves again tonight to see if this a treatment that I can count on.
I don't think that I did the roast right. I put the meat in the slow cooker with a can of cream of mushroom soup, a pack of onion soup mix, and a stick of butter. I put it on “High” for 4 hours, it is said that Bottom Round is best on long and slow. But I forgot to set it up before I went to work so I set it up at lunch. When I got home it was tough to cut it into big chunks and as I tried to eat the big chunks it came apart into smaller tough chunks that caught in my teeth. The flavor was alright, but it was a bit of a chore to eat.
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