Keto/Sobriety Blog Feb 8, 2025
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Weight: 345.8 lbs
( 156.7 kg)
BMI: 44.4
Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm)
WtHr: 78.4%
Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: AI Cheesy Spinach Sausage Bake
Dinner: Bratwursts
Drinks: Salted
Coffee, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull
Keto Week 1 (Day
Sober Month 1 (Day 53)
I was scheduled to work 10-7 today. But there is a new lady who was scheduled to close the desk this evening and she's been having a hard time getting it done correctly and today is Saturday so if things are off tonight they'll be off for Sunday and that could throw off things for all of next week. I was a bit confused when they called me from the store to ask me to stay late because they asked me to come in “an hour later and stay until 9” Well if I'm scheduled to come in at 10 and I come in an hour later and stay until 9 that would mean that I would be working from 11 to 9pm. And no thanks. I usually work 11-8 so that must have confused them.
Roommate did some grocery shopping this morning. He was nice enough to buy a Sugar Free Monster for me.
I used the last of my bacon yesterday at breakfast so I had written a “B” on my hand to remind myself to buy bacon. And I did pick some up last night, but I wrote it a bit too boldly and the “B” is still on the base of my left thumb. It'll wear off over time, but someone saw it on my hand and asked what the “Tattoo was for” I told them that it wasn't a tattoo, it was just a “B” to remind myself to buy some bacon. They were so amused by the “fact” that I had a “B For Bacon” “Tattooed” onto my hand. It's not a tattoo, it's just written on there with a ball point pen. It just hasn't washed off yet (even though I've washed my hands multiple times.) I couldn't convince them that it wasn't a tattoo. I do like bacon, but I don't think that I love bacon enough to get a permanent dedication to it implanted into my skin.
Coming in later almost threw off my lunch break. They almost had me come in at noon and then go to lunch at 2pm. They did let me go to lunch at 3pm. A 3-5 split kind of sucks, but it's a lot better than a 2-6 split.
I was able to leave the store without buying anything. Again it feels like a strange brag. But it is something that I need to work on. I spend far too much on food when I already have food at home, and I spend WAY too much on energy drinks and sodas. I had a motivation to get out of there when lunch came. Right before lunch a guy had an issue with the Lottery Machine. It had printed the top half of one of his tickets, but it ran out of paper for his second ticket. CSM had me show the new lady how to change the paper roll in the machine. I really didn't know how to do that, but thankfully it was just a matter of putting the new roll in and feeding it through the machine. So I was able to print his second ticket. But he was upset that it didn't print the lower half of his first ticket. There was nothing I could do for him. He demanded that it be reprinted. There is no way to reprint lottery tickets, but when the drawing happens we can type in the numbers along the top of the ticket to see if it's a winner. Of course it's a lot easier to scan the QR code off of the bottom of the ticket, but if that is unavailable we can just type in the numbers off of the ticket. But he started getting upset because the QR code is required for the “Play On” function and now the store is just “screwing him out of $5” I told him that he could try calling the lottery themselves, they might be able to help him, but there's nothing that we could do for him. But he just kept demanding that we do something. There is nothing that I could do. And that happened right as I was leaving for lunch.
I strained my voice on the way home yelling all of the things that I wanted to say to him and all of the moronic people that I've had to deal with in my far too long career working at the grocery store. I keep saying that I need to get out of there, but I never do anything to get out of there.
The second half the day was absolutely insanely busy. There is the Super Bowl tomorrow, and the rumors of snow next week, and every time I see a forecast it is predicting more snow. Honestly it mostly wasn't busy in the number of people, but in how much people were freaking out. If people would calm the hell down it would have been half as crazy.
I did pick up a Sugar Free Red Bull in the second half of the day, but only the one. There have been days that I've picked up up to five cans of energy drinks. So only buying the one drink and nothing at lunch is a bit of a victory.
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