Easing Off of the Energy Drinks Keto/Sobriety Blog Jan 31, 2025
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Weight: 349.4 lbs
( 158.5 kg)
BMI: 44.9
Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm)
WtHr: 78.4%
Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: AI Cheesy Sausage Spinach Bake
Dinner: Salmon Fillets
Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Celsius Energy, Powerade
Zero Orange, Kroger Energy Shot, Sugar Free Monster,
Keto Day 6
Month 1 (Day 45)
I was hoping to get a little bit more progress on things by the end of the first month of the year. I guess you could say that a month and a half of sobriety is a good start, but weight loss and financial gain isn't where I was hoping to be.
I was late getting to bed last night. (Didn't sleep until 3am) No reason why, I was feeling rebellious. Kind of getting tired of the bed, work, bed, work cycle. Of course not going to bed actually makes me tired. I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep or the nearly week into Keto I really had to pee a lot today. Keto is good at getting rid of body water. However the smartwatch tracks body water/fat/muscle and the stats really aren't going down that quickly. But again, Vitamin P. But on the topic of getting better sleep I think I'm going to try to scale back the number of energy drinks that I consume per day.
I bought a can of Celsius Energy about halfway through the first half of the day and a Sugar Free Monster at lunch. But this is an expensive habit that I need to work on. On a normal day I'll have a pot of coffee before work, a couple of hours into the day I'll pick up an energy drink, at lunch I'll buy another energy drink, a couple of hours later I'll buy another energy drink. No wonder I can't sleep at night. I'm debating on what to replace the energy drinks/shots with. Powerade? Propel? Bottled Water? The Water is probably the best option.
Feet are stiff and sore again today. I'm guessing that is because I'm back up to close to 350 lbs (159 kg) again.
And yeah I had bought a can of Monster for lunch, but that was all I had bought at lunch so that was me being good on my lunch break because that is what I want to be doing for lunch. And this was a serving of a recipe that I had recently uploaded a video of on my second YouTube Channel.
Trying to think of anything to say about today. It was a pretty boring standard day. I was scheduled to work a register for an hour and then I was Supervising for the rest of the day. This time of year most of the day is really slow. It really picked up around 5-5:30 when the sun started going down. But people were really calm as the swarm came through. I had one or two older people tell me that I needed more registers open. And I agreed with them. And they stared at me until they figured out that there weren't any more cashiers showing up.
As I was leaving the store I paced back and forth in front of the meat wall debating on what I was going to have for dinner. Trying to think about what I could get. But when I saw the Salmon Fillets in the cooler I remembered that I already had some at home. This is another step to my plan. So I was good at lunch, and good for dinner.
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