Keto/Sobriety Blog March 8, 2025

Weight: 336.6 lbs ( 152.7 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Steak and Eggs Lunch: Bacon Cheeseburger Soup Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 20) Sober Month 2 (Day 81) YMCA: No Causation or correlation? I have cottage cheese and hot dogs one day for lunch, the next day the weight is up. I have a recipe that I have saved for lunch the weight is down. I have Jalapeno cheesy sausages for lunch, the next day the weight is up. It's still among the lowest weigh ins for the year. And I'm still down 10 lbs for the year. I think starting tomorrow I'll start doing the tracking in my phone app again. Maybe start going back to the YMCA on Monday. I wont go tomorrow because with their Sunday hours they are only open while I'm at work. I'm thinking of trying to get into a habit of going into the weight room Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Maybe going to swim on Tuesday...

Buying Too Much Food Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog Jan 14, 2025

Weight: 345.4 lbs ( 156.7 kg)
BMI: 44.3
Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm)
WtHr: 78.4%

Breakfast: Egg Stuff?
Lunch: Baked Chicken
Dinner: Hamburger Patties with Cheesy Garlic Bread
Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster,
Sober Week 4 (Day 29)


Finally got around to cooking that recipe video that I'm planning to upload next week. I wasn't able to do the taste test part of it because Roommate woke up while I was still cooking. But it did smell quite nice. And I took the opportunity to take inventory of the freezer to set up the meal plan for the week.

The recipe that I cooked would have made a better lunch than a breakfast. The recipe called for sausage, but the sausage that I had was only good until today. But I wasn't confident that I would be able to cook it today so I picked up another pack of sausage last night on the way home from work. But as I was able to cook that recipe I ended up having an extra thing of sausage that was going to expire today. So I thought I'd go ahead and scramble up some eggs in the sausage with some salsa and cheese. I guess you could call that the “Egg Stuff” that I make from time to time. The problem was that it was some HOT Italian Sausage of questionable quality with some medium flavored salsa. I'm not sure what ancient humanity did to piss off God enough to have him put Capsaicin Receptors in people's tail end, but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm pretty sure the only thing that was burning more than me was LA.

Roommate doesn't like the baked chicken that I make. He insists that it isn't the way I cook it. It comes out as well cooked, but he just doesn't like chicken. However I have quite a bit of chicken in my freezer. So I figured out that I'll just have it for lunch from time to time. Perhaps when I have a day off instead of having one of the cooked recipes that I usually have for lunch I'll have chicken instead.

I tried to tell myself that I didn't need to buy more food. I have a freezer full of food. There was no reason to go to the store. I could use a bit more meat, but that could wait until Payday. I do usually do my grocery shopping on Tuesday, but I didn't need to buy it today.

So I bought $126 worth of meat. Good news, freezer is full, bad news I bought $126 worth of groceries that I didn't need to buy. I really need to learn how to not spend money. It was nice to once again to buy groceries without having to float a check. I'm not currently hurting for money, but if I don't stop spending money on food when I already have food I'm not going to make progress on my savings goal. It was all meat so it fits into the Ketovore plan, but the financial plan is reliant of me not spending so much on food. Well the good thing is that the freezer is full, so I won't be able to buy any more food tomorrow. I might make a soda run to get more seltzer though.

Dinner was some grilled hamburger patties with a couple slices of cheesy garlic bread. The hamburger patties didn't taste right. I used the Hamburger Seasoning from the same brand that had Steak Seasoning that a recipe had used a while ago. I'm not sure if it was the seasoning or the dirty grill grates. I couldn't be the patties because I had just bought them. Maybe I just didn't cook them enough, but the burgers turned out really nasty.

Today really blazed by. I really didn't get much done.


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