Keto/Sobriety Blog March 8, 2025

Weight: 336.6 lbs ( 152.7 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Steak and Eggs Lunch: Bacon Cheeseburger Soup Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 20) Sober Month 2 (Day 81) YMCA: No Causation or correlation? I have cottage cheese and hot dogs one day for lunch, the next day the weight is up. I have a recipe that I have saved for lunch the weight is down. I have Jalapeno cheesy sausages for lunch, the next day the weight is up. It's still among the lowest weigh ins for the year. And I'm still down 10 lbs for the year. I think starting tomorrow I'll start doing the tracking in my phone app again. Maybe start going back to the YMCA on Monday. I wont go tomorrow because with their Sunday hours they are only open while I'm at work. I'm thinking of trying to get into a habit of going into the weight room Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Maybe going to swim on Tuesday...

Whining About Work Daily Sobriety Blog Jan 19, 2025

Weight: 348.2 lbs ( 157.9 kg)
BMI: 44.7
Waist: 58 in (148.6 cm)
WtHr: 78.4%

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Smoked Sausages, Pork Rinds, Onion Dip
Dinner: Cheesy Kielbasa Potatoes
Drinks: Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Kroger Energy Shot, Diet Arizona Lemonade Tea, Sugar Free Red Bull
Sober Month 1 (Day 34)


I didn't get a chance to record this mornings Weekly Weigh In as Roommate woke up earlier than I did. That was probably because of the kid next door. I swear that kid sounds like he's wearing combat boots and running laps around the adjoining wall between our apartments. I get that kids have a lot of energy and it's cold as ass outside so they're not going to be playing outside. But it's a constant, “thump, thump, thump, thump” from one end of the room and then, “thump, thump, thump, thump” to the other side of the room. And then up and down the stairs. Just all day, every day. They've been driving Roommate crazy because the kid had been home for several weeks because of Winter Break, then there were snow days, and tomorrow they'll be home for Martin Luther King Jr Day. I don't remember having that day off back when I was in school, but I barely remember my school days. And I really didn't pay that much attention back then anyway.

Had the basic Bacon and Eggs for breakfast this morning. And I didn't put any salt in the coffee. I just didn't feel like having more salt.

Roommate said that he wants to start cooking dinner on Sundays. I'm not going to argue with him cooking from time to time. He decided to cook Cheesy Potatoes and Kielbasa. Not very Ketogenic, but again, I'm not going to argue with him cooking from time to time.

It is said that Cheese has addictive properties, and as it got closer and closer to lunch time I was WANTING cheese. Like in not rational way of wanting cheese. I was almost in a state where I could have just sat down with a block of Velveeta and a fork. I had discovered that the store carries a Queso flavored Pork Rind. I bought those for lunch. I was going to buy a jar of the store brand queso, but I've started reading ingredient lists. Ingredient Lists have ingredients listed in the order of quantity. So the ingredients higher on the list the more that ingredient is in the product. And according to the ingredient list that jar of queso was basically a jar of Soybean oil, cornstarch, various thickeners, and preservatives. Kind of changed my mind about having cheese, but I decided to have some onion dip with the pork rinds. I don't think I should have had the dip. I had really nasty oniony burps for the rest of the evening.

I was really glad that it was a Sunday this evening. The first half of the day went by really smoothly. I worked 11-4 before I had lunch, so it was a long first half but it went really smoothly.

 But the second half I was just ran ragged.

 There was a new hire that was just thrown at Self Checkout with the “Here Catch” training strategy because she had told them when she was hired that she used to work Self Checkout at the other store years ago. So I almost had to follow her around the area telling how to do everything and there was another new hire cashier had only been trained twice before he called in for a week and that was when he was supposed to get more training on the register.

 I had to argue with him to stay open because he had tried to shut down 10 minutes before he was supposed to get off. He was the only cashier, but he was turning people away because he was, “Shutting down soon" He was really rather cranky at me when I told him that he couldn't just leave the register while he still had a line, and he had to wait for his relief to come in. He was trying to leave 10 minutes early, he ended up staying 15 minutes late because the lady running self checkout was supposed to be the cashier letting him out when the other person running Self Checkout got back from lunch. Guy coming back from lunch was late getting back because he "...didn't know anybody was waiting on him" 

Dude, if you're coming back from lunch, there will always be someone waiting for you. 

The guy running Customer Service had essentially shut down the front desk because one of the registers had gotten stuck in a reboot loop. There are two registers at the desk and they do prefer that once you're on one of the registers you stick to that register so you're not bouncing back and forth between the registers. But he was on the register that was broken and didn't know that he could use the other register because he was already on one of the registers. And it took him an hour and a half to be convinced to call Tech Support to get the register called in because he, "Didn't know he could do that." 


Then a lady who I think is someone who works at the Main Office, I'm pretty sure that she's a district manager or something informed me that all of the carts were outside so she told the customer service guy to help the carryout bring in the carts. Leaving the front desk unmanned. The Carryout at the time was one of the severely mentally challenged people that work at the store. When she is bringing in carts she doesn't seem to understanding or ability bring in more than two or three carts at a time. Makes me wonder why she's our only carryout at 5pm. It just might be that we just don't have the help.

And then the new Assistant Manager who just introduced herself to me earlier today asked me where all of the help was as I was trying to run my own register, trying to get the kid on the other register to turn his light back on and stop turning people away, trying to help the lady run self checkout, and telling people at the desk to wait a moment for the guy who was just sent out to help with carts to come back in. 

I'm so glad that my town doesn't allow beer sales on Sunday because I was getting awfully "thirsty" by the end of the night. I rarely get cravings for beer. But wow, I'm not sure I'd be sober this evening if it were any other day. It was funny, on the way to work I was thinking that Roommate being home is probably what is keeping me sober for so long. He probably wouldn't judge, but if I had bought any I feel like I'd have to justify it. 


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