Days without caffeine: 1
Weight: 343.2 lbs
Waist:56 in
Mood: tired
Today was the
real first day that I avoided soda. I'm not sure that today would
have been the best day to start this. Truly I didn't mean to start
on the beginning of the month. But the day I decided to quit
drinking soda just happened to be the first Friday of the month, the
weekend of the Super Bowl, and there's a rumor of a snow storm later
this weekend. I have a feeling I could have red bull on a freaking
IV tree running behind me and I'd still be tired at the end of this
shift. To be honest I did grab an energy shot but I convinced myself
to but it back.
I did drink a lot of juice this
morning. So I was really craving some sugar today. And one of the
energy shot's that I really enjoy drinking is a Goody brand energy
shot, so it is a pain relief energy shot so my legs and feet were
missing that one. Along with a bit of a headache towards the end of
the shift. I was told that a headache is one of the signs of caffeine
withdraw. Irritability is also supposed to be another sign. But it
was hard to tell if I was irritable or just overwhelmed with the
literal hundreds of people I had to help over the day. Adding to the
stress of the already swamped day we were already understaffed,
someone called in sick, and the front end supervisor today decided to
push digital coupons instead of doing her job. So the biggest
shopping day yet this year we were short a cashier, a supervisor, and
nobody in any department knew how to check. And one of the checkers
was a new hire, one of the checkers has a very notable ability to
piss people off, and another cashier has emotional issues. So not
only am I trying to help masses of people through the self checkout
I'm also constantly being called to the three other main registers.
(Sorry got distracted complaining about work) but I do think I held
it together alright during. It was a particularly stressful day.
The really surprising thing is my stats
for today, supposedly I've lost over five pounds in a single day. I
did weigh in yesterday in the evening, so that could be partially the
food I ate yesterday. But I'm looking forward to seeing more of that
I'm sure that there was more I wanted to say, but it is getting very late and I need to go to sleep
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