Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog June 21, 2024

Weight: 327.6 lbs (147.7 kg) BMI: 42.1 Waist: 54.5 in (138.4 cm) WtHr: 73.6% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: 4x Bar-S Jumbo Jumbos Dinner: Queso Soup Drinks: Kroger Seltzer Original, Pot of Coffee Black, 12oz Sugar Free Monster Energy, Powerade Zero Orange, 2x Kroger Energy Shot, Couple cups of water Sober Day 6 It's kind of creepy to weigh the exact same as the day before. Was able to take inventory before work and got a meal plan together. The “Dinner” list looks kind of funny because it's just Rib-eyes over and over. But I didn't have room in my freezer for all of them. Didn't have time to defrost the freezer and wow there was a lot of ice built up. I'll try to defrost it after work. Noticed that I was out of Chili. I don't usually run out of chili, I usually have some variety of chili. Sometimes multiple varieties. I'm going to have to fix that but then again I might want to wait until the freezer is a little less full. I was almost late for work

Almost Walked Out Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog June 14, 2024

Weight: 330.0 lbs (149.7 kg)
BMI: 42.4
Waist: 54.5 in (137.2 cm)
WtHr: 73.6%

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: 4x Bar-s Jumbo Jumbos
Dinner: Chuck Shoulder Roast with Mushroom Gravy
Drinks: Kroger Seltzer Original, “” Mango, Pot of Coffee with Cream, Celsius Mango Passion Fruit
Sober Day 6

Couldn't get to sleep last night. Was physically tired, but brain was doing cartwheels all night long.

I've made an observation. It's nice to stand up in the morning and not feel like I've stood up onto knives. Looking up the parts of the foot, the part known as the lateral arch is usually rather cranky when I wake up in the morning. But the last couple of days it hasn't been so bad. A lot of times when I stand up for the first time I'm sitting right back down with a yell of pain. But last couple of days, I'm not exactly dancing around, but at least I'm not having to convince myself that I have to power though it to get to the bathroom.

The other day when Roommate got home we both got groceries, he was excited to see that the store carried Hard Mt Dew. He had enjoyed that yesterday, he kept saying that it was just Mt Dew with a weird aftertaste. All evening he kept insisting that he couldn't “feel it”. He did offer me some, but Mt Dew with a weird aftertaste already didn't sound good. Not to mention that Mt Dew with alcohol in it is pretty antithetical to what I'm trying to do on here. I was wondering if the caffeine was countering the effects of the alcohol. And I'm thinking that might be the case because this morning he was complaining about a nasty hangover. Reminding me of when I had bought some Truly Hard Seltzer last week and got the hangover that was one of the things that inspired me to get back to this. Seriously three days later I still couldn't move my eyes properly.

Was able to avoid buying energy drinks or shots before lunch, I was telling myself that I wasn't tired, I didn't need the energy boost, I was just buying it because it was the habit and it's one of the habits that I need to work on. Not just for health, but for finances as well. I did fall for the temptation after lunch though, but at least I didn't have the three or four energy drinks that I normally have in a day.

Had a moment at work where I was getting pretty close to being unemployed. Lady wanted to receive a money transfer, not a big deal but she argued about providing the code for a bit but when she finally got the money transfer code it had somebody else's name on the transfer. I don't feel comfortable paying out a money transfer for someone that wasn't listed on the money transfer. This is nonnegotiable. And on top of that she was wanting to return a couple of boxes of medicine from another store and the store policy is that certain, more expensive items, have to be returned to the store where they were bought. Since I refused to do the money transfer and the refund on the items from another store she demanded to talk to the manager. Thankfully the manager had my back and refused the transactions as well. I'm a bit glad that he did back me up, and I told him that as well. Because if he had made me do those transactions I would have walked out. I would have never seen the inside of the store again. Lady said that she was going to call corporate and complain about us, but I'm not worried.

I do have some semblance of an exit strategy from the store. But I'm not ready to just walk away right now. However if the management asked me to do something that I'm pretty sure is illegal, I'd bail right there right then.


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