Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog June 21, 2024

Weight: 327.6 lbs (147.7 kg) BMI: 42.1 Waist: 54.5 in (138.4 cm) WtHr: 73.6% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: 4x Bar-S Jumbo Jumbos Dinner: Queso Soup Drinks: Kroger Seltzer Original, Pot of Coffee Black, 12oz Sugar Free Monster Energy, Powerade Zero Orange, 2x Kroger Energy Shot, Couple cups of water Sober Day 6 It's kind of creepy to weigh the exact same as the day before. Was able to take inventory before work and got a meal plan together. The “Dinner” list looks kind of funny because it's just Rib-eyes over and over. But I didn't have room in my freezer for all of them. Didn't have time to defrost the freezer and wow there was a lot of ice built up. I'll try to defrost it after work. Noticed that I was out of Chili. I don't usually run out of chili, I usually have some variety of chili. Sometimes multiple varieties. I'm going to have to fix that but then again I might want to wait until the freezer is a little less full. I was almost late for work

Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog June 12, 2024

Weight: 329.4 lbs (149.4 kg)
BMI: 42.2
Waist: 54 in (137.2 cm)
WtHr: 73%

Breakfast: Bar-S Jumbo Jumbos Instant Pot Chili Shredded Mexican Cheese
Lunch: Goulash
Dinner: Fathead Lasagna
Drinks: Kroger Seltzer Water Strawberry Lemonade, “”Cranberry Lime
Sober Day 4

UP FOUR TENTHS OF A POUND! UP FOUR TENTHS OF A POUND! My God what is the meaning of this!!!!!! Just kidding, I'm still down 3 lbs for the month and 9.2 lbs for the year. I'm not going to be too broken up about 4 ounces. 

Roommate came in this morning. When he got in he asked to run by the store to get snack food for the week. I took the chance to fill up on Bratwursts, Chicken, and Seltzer Water. I also got the ingredients for some “Fathead” Lasagna. It was a rather expensive trip for just buying one recipe along with Bratwursts and Chicken. But then again, the freezer is getting rather full. It would be nice to have a large chest freezer, but I just don't have the room for it. Or at least I had assumed. But satisfying a curiosity it does look like there are freezers that are around 3 cubic feet. Meh, even if I were to buy one of those I'd have to rearrange my apartment.

And I do admit that I did hesitate at the store when I passed by the beer display at the store. But I was able to argue that I was already spending way too much on groceries and that would just be spending money on stuff I really didn't need. On a grocery trip that already didn't have very well planned out. I knew that I was wanting to get Lasagna, bratwursts, and chicken. But normally when I go for a grocery run I have a shopping list on my phone, but I didn't today so I was kind of making it up as I went along. 

I do have to say that my allergy symptoms have improved greatly today. But I'm not sure if that's the allergies clearing up or because I'm taking medicine 

I took the time today to play a bit of Fallout: New Vegas this afternoon. In my opinion I prefer Fallout 3 to New Vegas as New Vegas has a bit too much “post” in their post-apocalyptic setting. But that was just the kind of mood I was in today. And Fallout 3 on Steam doesn't have any achievements.

An interesting note was that for the most part of the day I really didn't crave any beer. (Outside of that moment buying groceries this morning.) But as I was drinking seltzer water while playing video games I thought it would be nice to have some whiskey to mix into the soda water. Which is kind of odd, I don't really ever buy whiskey. I had to sit myself back down a couple of times because I found myself standing up and pacing around thinking about how I could just get some and have a little and it'd be fine. But the counter argument I had was that I just don't have a little bit at a time, and that's kind of the problem. I could buy a small $20 or so bottle today, but I wouldn't go to bed until it was gone.

It took a while this evening to cook the lasagna, but it does take a while when you have to make the “noodles” from scratch. And the “noodles” turned out a bit too fluffy. The recipe calls for a 9x13 dish and that's what I used, but I wonder if I should have used the bigger dish to have the “noodles” spread out wider. It is the same recipe for pizza crust, and honestly it does work better as a pizza dough. Not that it turned out bad overall, Dr Berry says to eat until you're “Comfortably Stuffed” and I was definitely stuffed after dinner.

It is interesting that tonight I had another hardcore “crash” as it came time for me to get to bed. And again it wasn't a getting tired over time, I'm just “bleah” all at one. But I have been meaning to try to get to bed earlier So I think I'll just wrap It up here.


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