
Showing posts from August, 2018

Keto/Sobriety Blog March 7, 2025

Weight: 335.2 lbs ( 152.0 kg) BMI: 43 Waist: 56.5 in (143.5 cm) WtHr: 76.4% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Johnsonville Jalapeno Cheddar Sausages Dinner: Pork Steak Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Red Bull, Sugar Free Monster, Kroger Energy Shot Keto Week 2 (Day 19) Sober Month 2 (Day 80) Wow, that was a drop. I actually moved my scale around to make sure that there wasn't anything underneath it. The watch scan says that there was a pretty big drop in muscle, but there was also a big drop in water weight. Which makes since because of the last couple of days. But the scan says that fat is up a little On the way home from the hospital with Roommate I happened to drive by where the new YMCA is going to be and wow that is going to be huge. Roommate was surprised that I cared because he thought that I had quit going. And it wasn't that I had given up on the idea of going to the Y it's just that I was waiting for him to go back to work. He asked me why h...

Awesome Progress With the Keto Diet Weekly Weigh In 8 26 18


Daily Food Blog 8/22/18

Weight: 336.4 lbs Waist: 53.5 Mood: impressed Breakfast: Coffee with a tablespoon of coconut oil Lunch: Cheeseburger Patties, Bratwurst Dinner: Deli Fried Chicken Snack: Sirloin Pork Chops Notes: I haven't been tracking my weight loss or food intake like I have been wanting to lately. No real excuse outside of just being lazy. Which is a running problem for me. But I have been walking to work recently. I think that might have contributed to the FOUR FREAKING POUNDS I lost over the last week or so. I am excited that I am once again down for the year on weight and for the first time this year being down on waist. Feet still hurt, but I think that's more because my shoes are starting to get worn out than because of my weight. Although the walking to work might be adding to that a bit as well. I was a bit nervous this morning standing on the scale because I did break the Keto diet last night, eating a rack of ribs with mac and cheese and a 1.25 ...

Daily Food Blog 8/14/18

Weight: 340.2 lbs Waist: 54.5 Mood: Happy, yet slightly frustrated Breakfast: Coffee, pork chops Lunch: Bacon ranch chicken casserole Dinner: Green beans, Hamburger patties Snack: cheeseburger patties, Notes: once again I gained a bit of weight. It is slightly frustrating, I keep telling myself not to worry about the day to day fluctuations, but I get so close to making progress for the year, and then never mind. I am starting to make progress on my waist line, so I'll add that to the top stats I'm not sure why I wasn't including that anyway. I did manage to get one the recipe videos recorded like I wanted to. The recipe that I uploaded yesterday was recorded a couple of months ago. I want to be recording a video a week and uploading once a month. That way I have a long back log of videos ready to be uploaded. Spent the afternoon at Mom's house, she wants to start uploading videos. Or at least start doing live streams I'm a little ...

Daily Food Blog 8/13/18

Weight: 338.8 lbs Mood: Rocking Breakfast: 2x hamburger patties, bacon ranch chicken casserole Lunch: Deli Baked Chicken Dinner: Pork chops, can of Foster's Beer Notes: Didn't get the new bed that my dad brought over. Unfortunately it didn't fit up the stairs to my bedroom. Dad seemed to be more upset about it not fitting than I was. He told me just put the mattress I have on the floor until I was able to buy a new frame for it. Which I felt kind of silly for not doing before. And I have to say that waking up this morning was SIGNIFICANTLY better that I have in quite a while. This feels strange to say but I was in such an up and rocking mood today before work I was getting angry and frustrated with people at work because they just weren't operating at my level. I eventually got used to being around other people, but it was rough going for a bit. I was also kind of frustrated because I was going to walk to work, but just as I left my hous...

Veggie Jambalaya Monthly Recipe


Making Progress with the Keto Diet Weekly Weigh in 8/12/18


Daily Food Blog 8/11/18

Weight: 341.6lbs Mood: Chill Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, coffee with Fiber supplement Lunch: 2 Bacon cheddar burger patties. Dinner: 5 pack of Hillshire Farm chederwurst, key lime sparkling water Notes: well, I finally got off my butt and cleaned my house (most of it anyway) My dad had bought me a new bed and is going to bring it over tomorrow and I didn't want him to come carrying a queen size bed through the tornado bombsite that has been my house recently. Who knows maybe the reason I haven't been very well lately is because I haven't been sleeping well. My old bed had a broken frame so I was sleeping on an incline and the mattress I have is considerably old. I don't exactly believe in Feng Shui (if that is the right thought process here) but I do have to say it is a lot less stressful to be in a clean house. Or a “cleaner” house anyway. Trying to avoid the bathroom (it be nasty) Getting back on track here. The last couple of days...

Daily Food Blog 8/10/18

Weight: 340.0 lbs Mood: Satisfied Breakfast: Fruit smoothie (Avocado, Spinach, Orange, Kiwi) 2 bacon cheddar patties with sliced cheese. Lunch: Deli Baked Chicken, sparkling water Dinner: 5 pack of bratwurst Notes: I didn't get the recipe videos done that I wanted to today mostly because I had a hard time waking up and getting going this morning. I have to say though once I got up and going as I walked to work I was a lot more mentally clear than I have been a lot recently. This lead credence to the thought I have had recently. The thought I have been having recently is the reason that I just can't seem to get anything done is the fact that I am just not getting up and moving. One of the reasons I had the burger patties with my smoothie this morning is that lately when I log my food for the day the apps are warning me that I am not taking in enough calories. But I still didn't get enough calories in today. That sounds like a good thing, but starvi...

Daily Food Blog 8/9/18

Weight: 340.6 lbs Mood: Tired Breakfast: Salad Bar (Mixed greens, chicken breast pieces, shredded cheddar, Ranch Dressing,) Lunch: Egg Stuff (½ dozen eggs, 1lbs pork sausage, 8oz shredded cheddar, small can Rotel) Dinner: Garden Salad with 4oz canned salmon, shredded cheese, ranch dressing Note: Slept better last night than I have in a while and was able to wake up and get to work. But the tiredness that I have been dealing with lately is more of a mental tiredness. I just can't seem to get the “get up and go” to get anything done. Again I didn't get a meal planned for lunch at work and my lunch was scheduled before the deli was open so I hit up the salad bar. I am not crazy about eating off of the salad bar when tracking my food. The salad bar is really good, so it's not about flavor, the problem is that it is a serious pain in the butt to log all of the things that I put on my salad when compared with just logging a single recipe or food...

Daily Food Blog 8/8/18

Weight: 336.6 lbs Mood: Disappointed Breakfast: Vega Shake with 1 cup of milk Lunch: Baked Chicken (Breast, Wing, Thigh, Leg) Dinner: 5 pack of Cheddar Brats Snack: 2xBacon Cheddar Beef Burger Patties with cheese Notes: I had work the opening shift at work today so I didn't really get a chance to make a full fruit smoothie, but luckily I still had some Vega meal shake left over so that's what I had for breakfast. Can't really say that I have been hungry for breakfast, or at all really. I just had breakfast because I didn't want to risk getting “Hangry” at someone and snapping at the wrong person at the wrong time. And it turns out that the store was getting the annual audit this morning. And I can tell you I was very self aware that I had slept in too late to have a proper shower and the fact that I hadn't had a chance to get laundry done in a while. But I guess the audit went alright, in fact I seemed to really impress the distr...

Daily Food Blog 8/7/18

Weight: 336.2 lbs Mood: Lazy Breakfast: Pot of Coffee Lunch: Pork Spare Ribs Dinner: Leftover ribs Notes: whoo-hoo for the first time this year I weighed less than I did at the beginning of the year. I didn't get around to posting yesterday's food blog because I kind of had to hit the ground running to get things done around the house and get to work, and then someone called in last night so I had to stay late. Didn't get much done today. It was a day off. It felt like the first day off in a really long time. I really just sat here watching YouTube all day. I did play a bit of Halo 2, but I started to get angry and frustrated with it so I went back to watching YouTube. Today was meant to be my day off, not the day to get angry at video games. It doesn't look like I ate that much if you look at what I wrote down, but that is an entire rack of Pork spare ribs. I was planning on going to the store and picking up the things to make a Keto BBQ ...

Daily Food Blog 8/5/18

Weight: 341.4 Waist: 55 Mood: Satisfied Breakfast: Fruit Smoothie (2c Whole Milk, Kiwi, Orange, Baby Spinach), Pot of Coffee with Fiber supplement Lunch: 4 piece deli fried chicken Dinner: wasn't hungry Notes: Recorded a weekly weigh in video this morning so I really didn't have much time to do much this morning. But I did manage to get the dishes done so I did get a breakfast smoothie done. I didn't have a lunch planned out so I hit up the deli in the store. I think that the deli baked chicken is good for keto, but that was starting to get old so I went back to the old fallback of deli fried chicken which isn't as good for Keto because of the breading that they put on it. And for dinner I really wasn't hungry. A lot of the research I have done really discourages eating because it “is time to eat” and not because I was hungry. Some people would call that “fasting” But I do know that when I get up in the morning I am going to be...

Back on the Keto Track Weekly Weigh in 8/5/18


Daily Food Blog 8/4/18

Weight: 344.6 lbs Waist: 55 in Mood: Calm Breakfast: Pot of Coffee Lunch: Grilled Chicken Breast Snack: Bacon Cheddar hamburger patties, a couple of cans of Bud light Dinner: Country Ribs, broccoli cuts, garden salad with peppercorn ranch dressing Notes: when doing smoothies for breakfast it is important to remember to wash the blender afterwords. I didn't get the dishes done yesterday and to be honest the main reason I had pork steaks for dinner last night was the fact I had no clean dishes left to cook with. And I'll admit that it is nasty to admit that my kitchen was filled with dirty dishes that were several days old. But I have not been managing my time very well. I did manage to convince myself to walk to work today. It was just a three and a half hour shift, so it was a short day. The hang up was I was debating whether or not to cook the spare ribs I have in my refrigerator. But the ribs take 2 and a half hours to cook and by the time I g...

Daily Food Blog 8/3/18

Weight: 344.6 lbs Waist: 55 in Mood: tired Breakfast: slept in, didn't get a chance for breakfast Lunch: 5x Cheddar Bratwurst Dinner: 2x Pork steaks (1.5 lbs), Couple of cans of Bud light, Brussels Sprouts, garden salad Notes: got called in early for work so I didn't get a chance to walk to work or get breakfast done, But I'm so desperate for hours at work I wasn't in a position to turn down any hours. I really didn't plan on having pork steaks for dinner, but I haven't had a chance to do dishes so I had to grill something and grilled chicken didn't sound that appetizing. But seriously I need to get on track on meal plans. If just for the sake of budgeting, just grabbing some steak after work because I didn't want the food I have isn't good for any of my strategies. My feet still hurt from walking to work yesterday. And working a split shift today didn't help much. Altogether I worked about 8 hours, which would hav...

I'll Just go to Walmart! store stories


Daily Food Blog. 8/2/18

Weight: 345.2 lbs Waist: 55.5 in Mood: Confident Breakfast: Fruit Smoothie (2c Whole Milk, Kiwi, Orange, Baby Spinach), Pot of Coffee with Fiber supplement Snack: 6oz package of pepperoni Lunch: 2x Bratwurst, with Ranch dressing and Mustard as condiments Dinner: Bacon Chicken Ranch Casserole ( Notes: About a month into the Keto diet. I think I have been following the concept of the diet pretty well. The idea behind the Keto diet is eliminating all sugars and carbs in the effort to train your body to burn the fat stores already in your body. Supposedly the idea is that when you eat carbs it is converted to fat stores in your body and I have enough fat stored already. I have been excelling at avoiding carbs for the most part. There was a week when I picked up a couple of boxes of mac and cheese with hot dogs. And I only had a couple of sodas this last month, no where near the amount ...