
Keto/Sobriety Blog March 3, 2025

Weight: 336.8 lbs ( 152.8 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 56 in (142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Cottage Cheese Bar-S Hot Dogs Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Powerade Zero Orange, Arizona Diet Lemonade Tea Keto Week 2 (Day 17) Sober Month 2 (Day 78) I'm sure that I'm not bound by HIPAA or anything but I'm sure that Roommate would rather I didn't share all of his personal medical and employment information here. But the short of it is that he isn't going to go back to work in April. I could go into a long tirade of my frustrations there. But it seems self centered and it would be talking about his personal issues. I can't help but think that I'm going to have to re-balance a lot of things. I'm running really low on gas again so I decided to have lunch at the store. Tomorrow is payday so I was running really low on money in my checking account. I have money in my savings accounts but I don't want to get into...


Weight: 362.2 lbs (164.3 kg) Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) Breakfast: Bacon, coffee Lunch was too busy to eat lunch Snack: Gas Station Cheddarwurst, 20oz mt dew Dinner Cheesy Chicken Chili Didn't want to put much effort into dinner last night so I just picked up a box of hamburger helper. Beef Pasta with a couple of cups of cheese mixed in used to be my favorite flavor. But last night it tasted like a bowl full of flour with some cheese to hold it together. The cheese didn't eve taste good. It just tasted like spoon fulls of gooey flour. Not sure if I was just getting used to home cooked food, or there was something wrong with that particular box of hamburger helper Had bacon and coffee for breakfast. Found out while I was drinking coffee that it was national coffee day. Thought that was kind of funny because I didn't plan it. And this was the first day in a while that I had coffee. Still trying to quit soda. 2 liters were on sale for 4 for 99 cents so I had to pic...

I didn't have much to say today 9-28-20

  Weight: 359 (162.8 kg) Waist: 58 (147.3 cm) Breakfast Pepperoni with cheese Lunch: Fried Chicken, Sugar Free Rockstar energy Snack: Hot Dogs Dinner: Beef Pasta Hamburger Helper with some cheese I hadn't gotten dishes done in a while so I couldn't cook bacon or eggs. Had some pepperoni left over from when I made Deconstructed Pizza casserole a few weeks ago. I added some cheese to it and thought about heating it up to melt it all together. But 2 minutes in the microwave just turned the cheese into something like a hard plastic. I did manage to take inventory of my freezer, but all of my food is frozen. I did get a meal plan together for the week. And I do have a few recipes planned for future videos. But since all of my food is frozen and all of my dishes were dirty before I went to work I went in early and had some fried chicken for Lunch. As I was getting off I didn't feel like doing too much thinking in my dinner. So I just picked up a box of Hamburger Helper...

Still Trying to Think of a Title 9-27-20

Weight: 360.0 (163.3 kg) Waist: 57 in (144.8cm) Breakfast: Rib eye Lunch: Deli Fried Chicken, Sugar Free Rockstar Energy Dinner: 5x Bratwurst There have been really good sales on meat over the last couple of weeks. That's the only reason that I was able to have a high end steak for breakfast. I thought about having eggs to go with. But I'm getting a bit tired of eggs. I didn't plan out lunch or dinner so I had fried chicken from the deli for lunch (not exactly Keto, but I'll roll with it) and picked up some bratwursts for dinner. (better for Keto, but not great for variety if I don't get a meal plan together) My knee is reminding me about that diet that I wanted to be on. It hurts when I have to squat down and feels tight when I stand back up. People have asked me if I'm okay when I stand up. I get the feeling that is because I am breathing heavy when I stand up from a squat. but the reason I am breathing heavy is because my massive gut is pressing a...

A body at rest 9-26-20

  Weight: 362.2 lbs Waist: 58 in Breakfast: leftover chili mac Lunch: Deli Baked chicken, Sugar Free Rockstar energy Dinner: kind of had nacho's without chips Snack: Fritos corn chips   Finished off the last of the soda that I had leftover. Hoping that I don't buy anymore. Didn't pick up any beer after work so that is a start. Did pick up a couple of 2 litters of diet soda with groceries tonight. Little disappointed with that. I finished the chili that cooked the other night and for dinner tonight I tried to make some sort of Mexican dinner mix. Ground a pound of hamburger, added a pack of taco seasoning and a small container of the Velveeta brick cheese. It ended up making something a lot like what I call Nachos. My nachos really is the same with a large brick of Velveeta. I'm always up to eat a bowl of cheese, but it really wasn't what I was going for. Something was really off with me this morning and early afternoon before work. I went to bed around m...

Insert Creative Title Daily Blog 9/25/20

Weight: 362.0 lbs (164.2 kg) waist: 57.5 in (146 cm)   Breakfast: Bacon and eggs Lunch: Chili, sugar free Rockstar energy  Dinner: Chili Mac    After I posted the Blog last night my Mom texted me to ask if I was alright. I would tell her not to worry, but that that's kind of her job. She recommended a YouTube channel known as FlyLady to me to help with my lack of organizational skills. Ironically I haven't had time to check out her channel yet I was able to wake up early enough to cook breakfast. Bacon and eggs are good for Keto, but I'm not sure if I'll want to have this every single day. Cooked a large pot of chili yesterday so had leftovers. This is basically my weight loss plan, financial plan, time saving plans coming together. So many things work out when I plan out my meals and since I live by myself (mostly, my roommate is a trucker) I cook a large casserole or a large pot of soup and separate it into individual servings. Had chili for lunch. And had...

Daily (?) Blog 9/24/20

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: was going to have pork chops, but they went bad on me Dinner: Chili Snack: Chicken Tenders, Sugar free Rockstar Energy I've also drank a lot of soda today. I didn't keep track. I've been wanting to quit drinking soda. But I've been falling for the sales recently. I think I'm going to start leaving my debit card at home when I go to work. For someone who wants to be a Blogger/Vlogger I don't seem to put much effort into my desired profession. I don't know what has gotten a hold of me lately I just can't seem to get moving on anything. It is probably depression. I was meaning to visit a doctor earlier this year. Not exactly for depression itself. More because the last time I've even had a checkup was back when I was in middle school when I was joining the track team. But then the GREAT PESTILENCE decided to hit. So yeah, sorry. I keep saying that I want to do the Keto diet, and I do follow it for a b...

Trying this Again Weekly Weigh In 7/19/20
