Keto/Sobriety Blog Jan 15, 2025

Weight: 344.2 lbs ( 156.1 kg) BMI: 44.2 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Baked Chicken Snack: Sea Salt Mixed Nuts Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Monster, Sober Week 4 (Day 30) YMCA: X Finally some progress on the waist. I know that it's going to be a “Vitamin P” kind of thing, but it would be nice if the waist line was as dynamic as the scale. I have noticed over the last couple of days the gut had been more “Saggy” and soft. Good news is that means I'm losing fat, bad news is that it's going to start drooping under my shirt if I'm not careful. But I'll take saggy gut over sore feet any day of the week. And on that point feet and shins felt amazing this morning. It sucked last night a screw came out of the back of my computer chair. I was able to put the screw back in. And it seems to be holding, but for a while I was thinking that I was going to have to buy a new one. That would kind ...

General Update November 2018

I was going to make this a video, but I just didn't get it done. And I just don't feel like saying all of this to a camera. But it does seem like a waste to just delete it all. (I did get carried away.) I'm just going to just post this here on my blog.

I am getting back into keto, or the Ketogenic diet. If you're not familiar with the keto diet it is a diet that avoids all sugars, pastas, grains, and carbs. I was, more or less, doing that diet from July through mid September. But I lost resolve (for lack of a better term) and I just kind of stopped doing it. I really wasn't planing out my meals or anything so I really started eating a lot of hamburger helper, and Velveeta dinners, and Mac and cheese and a bunch of pastas and stuff. And there are mental effects of the keto diet that I didn't notice as I was doing the diet. But the blah feelings I had been struggling with was interestingly enough the “brain poison” that I made a video about awhile back. Getting onto the keto diet there is something called the “Keto flu” I've never really had that I was just kind of tired for a day or two as I started Ketosis, but coming off of keto. Man I can tell you THAT sucks. Keto can help with depression and other mental challenges. Now I have never been diagnosed with depression (well that would require going to a doctor every once and a while) But I can say I was doing so much better when I was doing the diet. Before and after doing the diet I had frustrations of the feelings of waking up going to work and going back to bed. Just to repeat again the next day. And Just wake up go to work and go back to bed. And thinking about all of the things that I wanted to do and then not get done. It would not surprise me if I did have depression and just didn't get around to forcing myself to a doctor for a prognosis. But cleaning up my diet did make me feel better. And I really didn't notice how well I was feeling until I wasn't doing it anymore. And getting back into the diet, I could almost feel the mental clouds clearing. And something odd that seems to be happening is my knees, elbows, back, and other joints are popping and cracking. I think this is a good thing, as I believe that it is a sign that pressure is being relieved from my body

I try to stay away from politics, but today is Voting day and I am actually off, I didn't think of voting day when I asked for Tuesdays off, but it is handy that voting day is always on a Tuesday (The Tuesday after the first Monday of November every two years if I remember correctly) and if you haven't voted yet, please do. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Communists...go rethink your lives And as a independent centrist I will implore people to vote for the candidate that you agree with. Please don't just vote for a party. I am quite tired of people complaining about partisanship and then blame the other party for all of their ills. Or people claim that they hate a candidate but they have to vote for the person that they hate because that is the party that they vote for. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for or the values you need to hold dear. But please vote for the people that you agree with. Please don't just vote for a party's candidates because that is the party that you vote for. Because that (in my opinion) is really what is the reasons why Washington is so messed up anymore. People keep voting for more and more divided people to congress and other positions in government and it gets harder and harder for them to work together so less and less gets done. Some argue that this is a good thing and we don't want a government that works together too well and this keeps them from doing unpleasant things. But it also seems to be used as an excuse to not do their jobs. We have grown “adults” going I'm not talking to them they're on the wrong team!

Okay, that's enough of politics, I swear, (for another two years or so) But I am thinking about changing my video release schedule. I wanted to do a cooking video on the second Monday of each month. But I have so many recipes and I cook so much I am thinking about making it a weekly series. I have a couple of weekly series already. Sunday is Weekly Weigh In, Wednesday is Cosplay Updates, and Friday is Store Stories. The question is what day do I upload a weekly recipe video. I could do it Tuesdays. I didn't have videos planed for Tuesdays, but Tuesdays are supposed to be my days off. I could post on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday, but I have a schedule that I want to follow on those days (not that I have been following that schedule) And if I do change recipe videos to every Tuesday what will I do on the second Monday of each month. I have a VERY long to do list. And I'm not sure if I want to add another category.


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