Keto/Sobriety Blog March 3, 2025

Weight: 336.8 lbs ( 152.8 kg) BMI: 43.2 Waist: 56 in (142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Cottage Cheese Bar-S Hot Dogs Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Powerade Zero Orange, Arizona Diet Lemonade Tea Keto Week 2 (Day 17) Sober Month 2 (Day 78) I'm sure that I'm not bound by HIPAA or anything but I'm sure that Roommate would rather I didn't share all of his personal medical and employment information here. But the short of it is that he isn't going to go back to work in April. I could go into a long tirade of my frustrations there. But it seems self centered and it would be talking about his personal issues. I can't help but think that I'm going to have to re-balance a lot of things. I'm running really low on gas again so I decided to have lunch at the store. Tomorrow is payday so I was running really low on money in my checking account. I have money in my savings accounts but I don't want to get into...

Journal for 8/22/11

Warning to whoever reads this: This took three hours to write it does ramble a lot I try to stay on one subject at a time though.

What is so special about today that I would start a journal? Nothing, I guess that is what makes it a good day to do so. If I only wrote journal on extraordinary days than I would hardly ever do so, or even worse I would make up stuff to write in here. Both of which would be detrimental to what I am trying to do. I am not sure what that is yet, but I know that it would be bad.
I found out my Wiley is going to Alaska next week. (His friend from collage is getting married, best of wishes to Wiley’s friend) so he is pretty much getting a free ride vacation to Alaska. Nevertheless, what I am excited about is getting the apartment to myself for a whole week. He has already paid his half of the bills so I do not mind him taking off work. Although I jokingly suggested he ask for PTO.
Several days ago my computer chair broke. Technically, just the arm broke, but the arms held the back on so I ended up upside down on the floor where my chair was, when I told Wiley he did what any good friend would do and busted up laughing. I told him it was a good thing he was not there at the time, because I was not in a good emotional sate when that happened and I would likely have done something that I would have regretted. I am currently looking at to see if I can find any decent replacements, for the interim I am sitting on one of the very cheep chairs that came with my very cheep table, my backside is eagerly waiting for payday when I can buy a new chair. I have to buy a new desk as well because as I was falling I some how managed to break the slide out tray my keyboard was on so I have to have my keyboard on top of the desk so that kills all of the desk space I needed for pepakura. I found what seemed like a good deal. (A desk and chair combo for $138) However, after a bit of research I found out that they sold that chair for $49 and the desk was $99. I guess all that you are saving is in the shipping, but the only option was the ship to store, which is the free shipping option, but I want them to ship it to my house is that too much to ask? Is that not the point of shipping in the first place?
I am quite proud of myself right now though, financially anyway. Back in June, I made some rather poor monetary decisions and ended up being a little more than 700 dollars in the hole. Due to some very careful spending, a little bit of luck, and some less than subtle hints from my bank I am out of the red and will be for the foreseeable future (crossing all of my fingers on that one).
I had to give up on my Iron Man costume; I switched back to Master Chief to the time being. I realized that there was no way I could loose enough weight to make the abs section fit. I guess I could have modified them so they would fit, but the picture in my head just kept coming up way bad. So yet again, I will not have a costume made for Halloween. I cannot say how frustrating that is; to work on something for four years and each year it just falls apart. Although this year I do believe, I have a legitimate excuse, almost. Oh well at least the deadline I am shooting for now is a little more realistic, even though I am working on harder files (I decided to move up to high definition files, though I have to say it is going a lot better than my usual attempts at HD pepakura). I am aiming for the release date for Halo 4, Holiday 2012. (Even though the a-holes at Microsoft thought that it was necessary to change the chief’s armor. Grrr)
My main frustration right now in my life is my weight. I know that is a result of a very simple cause and effect, I drink too much pop and eat the wrong foods. I know that I get enough exercise, hell I am essentially walking eight hours a day five days a week. Diet is the only reason I can be overweight by as much as I am. I weighed in today, and I actually recorded it too, I have been putting it off because I knew I would be bad. It was bad; my goal is to lose 5 pounds a month. Since that is what the Wii said was a healthy goal that is what I was aiming for, but more often than not, I end up gaining. Today it said I gained four pounds since I weighed in last which was two weeks ago. Therefore, I have to loose 10 pounds to reach my goal. Oh well it will not be the first time I did not meet my goal, trust me. I miss them more than I make them. This is why I cannot be Iron Man this year.

Wow its late I guess I have to go to bed now. I am going to put this in my Blog, I’m not sure why, maybe just so I can update people how my life is going, maybe I just want a little publicity, either way I do apologize to anybody who reads this, this was not planned out in anyway and I am quite tired while writing this


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