
Showing posts from October, 2020

Starting the 3D Printing Keto/Sobriety Blog March 10, 2025

Weight: 335.4 lbs ( 152.1 kg) BMI: 43.1 Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Baked Chicken Dinner: Cheeseburger patties and pork rinds Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Keto Week 3 (Day 22) Sober Month 2 (Day 83) YMCA: No I pretty much passed right out when I went to bed last night. But the phone says that I didn't fall asleep until after 2am. It also says that I didn't get any “deep sleep” I do feel a lot better today than I did yesterday. I was planning on going to the YMCA while Roommate was at his doctor's appointment as he usually goes quite early in the morning. But today his appointment wasn't until 11am and by then I was already dressed and had breakfast and I was too busy coming up with other excuses for not going. I did get around to messing with the 3D printer. And was able to get it to print off the two front top pieces of the Master Chief Helmet. And I found that the printer has a handy feature as it connects to...

Cheesy Chicken Chili Weekly Keto Recipes


Guilt Free Veggie Soup Weekly Keto Recipes




Late post 10-12-20

  Weight: 356.8 (161.8 kg) Waist: 56.5 (143.5 cm) Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Loaded Coffee Lunch: Chili with cheese, Sugar free Rockstar energy Dinner: Baked “Cheddar” Bratwursts Michelob Ultra Infusions Lime and Prickly Pear   Loaded coffee is Coffee with cream, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, fiber supplement and this Torani sugar free seasoning that I picked up from the store. This time around I picked up the caramel flavor, there are other flavors. I think I'll pick up vanilla next. Carmel isn't bad, but this bottle of flavoring lasts for a really long time. I have thought about picking up a Keurig. The coffee pot that I currently have is a 12 cup pot and I live by myself, so whenever I get in the mood to drink some coffee I'm driven to drink the whole pot of coffee, somehow I don't think that's a good idea. I think that's still better than drinking soda, which I'm still trying to quit. I did feel better today that I have in a while. I'm not...

I Need to Re-balance Time Spent on Projects General Updates Oct 2020


Dealing with a Feedback Loop Weekly Weigh In 10/4/20


At least I woke up in a good mood. 10-1-20

Weight: oops, forgot to weigh in before breakfast (Not sure what that is in metric) Waist: 57 in (144.8 cm) Breakfast: Rib-eye Lunch: x Dinner: Nachos I love when the first day of the month is on a Thursday. I get paid on Thursdays and I like paying all of my monthly bills on the first of the month. So I have all my bills paid for the month, money in my checking, money in both of my savings, and a fridge full of food. Weather switched back to cool fall weather. Life is pretty damn good for me. Or at least it was before I went to work. I thought that we were done with the “Here Catch Training Strategy” at work. It had been a long time since they just threw something at us with a “Don't worry you'll figure it out” kind of attitude. They were getting good at training us for things, as well as doing follow up training every couple of years. But today someone, somewhere decided that the first of the month was the best day to install a new register system. I would lik...

Annoyed at the Internet 9-30-20

Weight: 353.8 Waist: 57.5 Breakfast: Egg Sausage Scramble Lunch: Cheesy Chicken Chili, diet Pepsi Dinner: KC Strip Steak Just finished writing this out and the internet decided to eat it. I'll stay up for a bit to see if the internet decides to come back on. But I might just have to wait until I get up in the morning That was quite a weight drop today compared to yesterday. Almost 10 lbs (about 4.5 kg) in a single day I don't think this will be a trend. But I have to say my knees are feeling better today than they have been in the last couple of weeks. Feet are still cranky, it would seem that my knees hurt when I'm around 360 lbs (163.3 kg) and my feet stop hurting when I'm under 330 lbs (149.7 kg). That's still more than double my “Ideal Weight” 169 lbs (76.7 kg) Had something that I call “Egg Stuff” For breakfast. “Egg Stuff” is a pound of sausage, 6 eggs (scrambled), a can of Rotel, and about 2 cups of shredded cheddar. This just did no...