
Keto/Sobriety Blog Jan 15, 2025

Weight: 344.2 lbs ( 156.1 kg) BMI: 44.2 Waist: 57.5 in (146.1 cm) WtHr: 77.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Baked Chicken Snack: Sea Salt Mixed Nuts Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Salted Coffee, Kroger Seltzer, Sugar Free Monster, Sober Week 4 (Day 30) YMCA: X Finally some progress on the waist. I know that it's going to be a “Vitamin P” kind of thing, but it would be nice if the waist line was as dynamic as the scale. I have noticed over the last couple of days the gut had been more “Saggy” and soft. Good news is that means I'm losing fat, bad news is that it's going to start drooping under my shirt if I'm not careful. But I'll take saggy gut over sore feet any day of the week. And on that point feet and shins felt amazing this morning. It sucked last night a screw came out of the back of my computer chair. I was able to put the screw back in. And it seems to be holding, but for a while I was thinking that I was going to have to buy a new one. That would kind ...

Wrapping Up the 2010's Weekly Weigh In 12-29-19


Creepy Baby Christmas Stamps Store Stories


Daily Food Blog 11-20-19

11/20/19 Weight: 340.8 lbs Waist: 56 in BMI: 42.6 WtHR: 76% Mood: Flat (but in a good way) Brunch: California Garlic Seasoned Pork chops Grilled 1.68 lbs Dinner: 3 Johnsonville Cheddar and Bacon Patties with Sliced cheese (2 slices of Pepper Jack and One Slice of “American” Cheese) with a bit of Ranch Dressing on top. Notes: I don't know if I can promise that I'll be all that consistent with these posts. Every once in a while I'll get the idea to do a daily food log / weigh in. but then it'll be several months later when I get the idea again to log anything in it. Today I decided to start this up again because I was starting to be really good on my Keto Diet over the last week or so and when I weighed myself this morning I was down 5 pounds compared to my Sunday Weekly Weigh In video. And seeing exciting progress I thought I would start up a food log again. We'll see if I can actually stick to a food log or not, but I wa...

Fathead Lasangna Weekly Recipes


Fathead Lasangna Weekly Recipes


Kind of a Victory Sunday Weigh In 11-17-19


I want a Human to Help Me Store Stories
