Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog June 21, 2024

Weight: 327.6 lbs (147.7 kg) BMI: 42.1 Waist: 54.5 in (138.4 cm) WtHr: 73.6% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: 4x Bar-S Jumbo Jumbos Dinner: Queso Soup Drinks: Kroger Seltzer Original, Pot of Coffee Black, 12oz Sugar Free Monster Energy, Powerade Zero Orange, 2x Kroger Energy Shot, Couple cups of water Sober Day 6 It's kind of creepy to weigh the exact same as the day before. Was able to take inventory before work and got a meal plan together. The “Dinner” list looks kind of funny because it's just Rib-eyes over and over. But I didn't have room in my freezer for all of them. Didn't have time to defrost the freezer and wow there was a lot of ice built up. I'll try to defrost it after work. Noticed that I was out of Chili. I don't usually run out of chili, I usually have some variety of chili. Sometimes multiple varieties. I'm going to have to fix that but then again I might want to wait until the freezer is a little less full. I was almost late for work

Busy Cooking Daily Blog January 10, 2023

Weight: 339.8 lbs ( 154.1 kg)
BMI: 43.6
Waist: 56 in ( 142.2 cm)
WtHr: 76%

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs (scrambled)
Lunch: Fathead Lasagna
Dinner: Bacon Jalapeno “Mac” and cheese
Drinks: Pot of coffee

Woohoo under 340 pounds (154.2 kg)! Last time I was under 340 was before the pandemic. And the pandemic would be an easy excuse for weight gain; quite a few people had seen changes in their lives that would cause them to gain weight. But to be honestly not much of my life had changed in the pandemic. Stress levels gained substantially and that does cause weight gain, but so does not eating correctly.

Bacon and eggs again for breakfast, but pan was too hot and poured off too much of the bacon grease before I cooked the eggs so I accidentally made scrambled eggs. The annoying kind of scrambled eggs that just kind of move out of the way as the fork comes by to try to pick them up. Got a bit too much Tabasco on them as well.

Trying to get kitchen cleaned up to get a recipe video done. But I'm having a hard time getting up and going. Finishing off the pot of coffee, so it's not a lack of caffeine. It's probably just the habit of laziness. I have YouTube playing (the idea is to have it on for background noise, but heh) I had to let YouTube Premium pass at the end of December, and I have to say good gravy it is annoying as heck to have a commercial play every five or six minutes.

Spent all day cooking and cleaning up for recipes. I already got two recipes recorded, I'm glad I have tomorrow off so I can edit them. Lost track of time so the end of this blog is a bit of a rush job. But I'm going to record another recipe before I go to bed.



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