Getting Back to It Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog September 23, 2024

Weight: 347.0 lbs ( 157.4 kg) BMI: 44.5 Waist: 56in (142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs, Monster Zero Ultra Lunch: AI Chicken Soup , Monster Zero Ultra Dinner: 11oz Bone in Strip Steak Drinks: Kroger Energy Shot, Powerade Zero Orange Sober Day 2 YMCA: No Absolute negative mood, sore ankles, and swollen knees are telling me that I'm really needing to get back to my diet. I usually do the restart on Sundays, but I was so late on getting the Weekly Weigh in done that I really didn't have time to make a post. And I'm pretty sure that I would have just repeated what I said in the video along with making a “Mark Whines About Work” post. So a mix of “Warning Redundancy Alert” mixed with “Waah-waah people at work irritating me.”Although I did have another addition to Store Stories this evening.  Also the “waiting for Sunday to restart the blog” is something that I need to stop doing. If I fall off of the habit I just need to start back up again. Too many times I&

Off of The Wagon Daily Sobriety/Keto Blog November 11/12/23

Weight: 349.4 lbs (158.5 kg)
BMI: 44.9
Waist: 58.5 in (144.8 cm)
Waist to Height Ratio: 79.1%

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Lazy White Lasagna
Dinner: Queso Soup
Drinks: Pot of coffee with cream, Kroger energy shot, 3700ml water.
Days Without Beer 1

    A while back the Ethernet port in my computer went out and I had to buy a WiFi adapter and this last Thursday Avast Driver Updater said that the WiFi adapter had an update to install. And it had a warning that it might not work properly during the update. And then immediately had a notification that the update couldn't happen because the computer wasn't connected to the internet. So yeah, I think that the attempt to update the WiFi actually bricked the antenna. I ordered another one from Amazon and it arrived the next day.

    I have a running grudge against the Avast antivirus company as it was. A year or so ago I couldn't afford the fee for the monthly renewal for it so I had canceled the subscription to the service. Or I thought I had canceled the service as I had uninstalled the program from my computer and logged on to their site and canceled the account. And then a month later I received a charge from avast even though when I tried to log on to the Avast website it showed that my account didn't exist. Looking back on it I probably should have fought the charge a bit more. But I had The Bank issue me a new card that has a new number. So I shouldn't get any more surprise charges from Avast, but the “Driver Updater” still works on my computer. I had left it installed because it still seemed to be working and having a thing that made sure that things are staying updated seemed like a good thing to have. But if it's going to brick things because it's too stupid to install updates AFTER downloading the update that interrupts internet I'll be uninstalling that as well.

    Since my computer couldn't connect to the internet I didn't bother with doing the blog. And since I wasn't doing the blog for a day or two. I have the blog app on my phone, but typing on a physical keyboard and typing on the phone just doesn't have the same “flow”

    And since I wasn't doing the SOBRIETY blog I fell to the temptation of “The Demon”. I did manage to stick to the food that I already have so I wasn't breaking Ketosis on food. But the beer I was drinking definitely was NOT keto. It is true that I had the adapter on Saturday so there was no excuse to not do the Sobriety/Keto blog. But alcohol really is a downer drug and I had another day of “meh” I drank WAY too much.

    This morning waking up was strange. According to the health app I fell asleep at around 1:15 and woke up at 5:15. And I just got up when I woke up. This is not something that I normally do, and this is something that I NEVER do at 5:15 in the morning. Another strange thing is that when I got up I noticed that I had a sore on my forehead and on the bridge of my nose. I couldn't figure out where these came from until I looked next to my bed and there was a blood spot where my head would have been. I think I smacked my head against the wall. Probably why and how I woke up so early this morning. I'm not sure if this is a sustainable plan though. The sore going across the bridge of my nose is going right under the bridge of my glasses.

    My legs were really stiff and sore all day long. Beginning of the day everything being stiff and sore kind of felt like hangover, but it was all day that the legs were sore. I couldn't figure out why the calves hurt so much today. I thought it might be because I had vacation last week and I was sitting down all week and now I'm back on my feet. But that wouldn't explain why my calves were so sore before work and the only thing that really hurt was the muscles on the back of the calves, not the feet, ankles, or knees. (back did start hurting towards the end of the day, but that might just be because I was walking strange all day) This might just be speculation but the reasons my calves might be hurting I was drinking a lot of fluid over the last three days and my bathroom is upstairs, meaning that I was going up and down the stairs A LOT over the weekend and I think that might have overworked my calf muscles going up and down the stairs going to the bathroom and back to the computer.

    One good thing though I did sign up for a clinic here in town. And yes I do recognize the irony of signing up for a medical treatment while binge drinking. As a new patient there was a questionnaire to fill out that was a bit of a roller coaster to get through. I was kind of frustrated with the lack of answers when I did ask some questions about the HSA card and insurance back on Thursday when Mom brought me along to her appointment to show off how that clinic works. I decided to just sign up and see if it works as I was assured that their membership is a monthly thing, so if it doesn't work out I can just leave them (I'm sure that will work out fine) And today I tried to ask someone who works in my stores Pharmacy about details about what the insurance will pay for. And she assured me that the store insurance does cover all that I had asked about. But I was asking her questions as she as running by the front end and the way that she was saying "Yeah, sure" didn't leave me very confident that I was getting an accurate answer. I got the feeling that she was saying yes to all of my questions so she could get by me. I really get this impression because she was just throwing out yeses when every time I have tried to ask literately any question to any anybody else, nobody else has any response other than, "I don't know"


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