Getting Back to It Daily Keto/Sobriety Blog September 23, 2024

Weight: 347.0 lbs ( 157.4 kg) BMI: 44.5 Waist: 56in (142.2 cm) WtHr: 75.7% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs, Monster Zero Ultra Lunch: AI Chicken Soup , Monster Zero Ultra Dinner: 11oz Bone in Strip Steak Drinks: Kroger Energy Shot, Powerade Zero Orange Sober Day 2 YMCA: No Absolute negative mood, sore ankles, and swollen knees are telling me that I'm really needing to get back to my diet. I usually do the restart on Sundays, but I was so late on getting the Weekly Weigh in done that I really didn't have time to make a post. And I'm pretty sure that I would have just repeated what I said in the video along with making a “Mark Whines About Work” post. So a mix of “Warning Redundancy Alert” mixed with “Waah-waah people at work irritating me.”Although I did have another addition to Store Stories this evening.  Also the “waiting for Sunday to restart the blog” is something that I need to stop doing. If I fall off of the habit I just need to start back up again. Too many times I&

Daily Keto Blog Oct 9, 2023

Weight: 340.8 lbs (156.1 kg)
BMI: 43.8
Waist: 58 in (147.3 cm)
WtHr: 78.4%

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Millionaire Chicken Casserole
Dinner: Bratwursts
Drinks: couple cups of coffee with cream, 900ml water
Days Without Beer: 2

     Didn't sleep well last night this seems to happen when I drink the caffeine free soda before bed. Makes me wonder if there are other stimulants in them. Also woke up with a nasty stinging headache, it wore off as I got up and started moving around.

     Seems almost blasphemous, but I'm kinda getting tired of having bacon and eggs for breakfast everyday. I think next time I get groceries I'll pick up some sausages instead of more bacon. There is the option of skipping breakfast, but intentionally skipping breakfast just makes me obsess about food all day. (Well, even more than I already do)

     I did take my water bottle with me to work, but I was running Self Checkout until I was running the Customer Service desk. Neither of those positions are great for drinking a lot of water. I did chug the entire bottle when I got off of work. 

     I've been really mentally off for the last several days. I'm SUPPOSED to be paid every Thursday, but this last Wednesday when the online pay stub updated it showed $0.00. Management said that they couldn't do anything at store level so they gave me a number to call and on the phone they said that they'll start an investigation. The management was able to give me a cash advance that will be paid back from my next pay check. And on Friday I got a work email saying that I'll get a payment that'll “Process on Monday” Direct deposits usually come in around Midnight, it still hasn't shown up. The email didn't say why the pay check was delayed or what's going on. And I have a suspicion that the correction deposit might be being held up because it's Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day. Or maybe, “processed on Monday” might mean that it is part of the payroll of this week so I'll just get last week's paycheck as a part of this week's paycheck. But I have several paranoid thoughts of how everything is going to be messed up. But then this afternoon the pay stub online updated. So it might be dropping in on midnight tonight. Still no explanation of what happened, but the play stub shows a net pay that is more than double the average paycheck. So I'm not sure how many questions I want to ask.

     Had a late lunch of Millionaire Chicken Casserole. It was a late lunch because I was scheduled to work noon to 5 and then 6 to 9 closing the desk. And it did take a bit to convince the guy who was letting me out to lunch that he was supposed to let me out for lunch because it was really busy. It was so busy that I was going to pick up a can of Sugar Free Rockstar or some other energy drink, but it was so packed in the store I seriously couldn't even get to the isle where the energy drinks are. I decided that it would be a good idea to try to avoid a bit of caffeine as well. Particularly since it would probably take most of my lunch break to just buy the one can. I got to say that the millionaire chicken casserole came out of the microwave really greasy. It tasted good while I was eating it, but it made my stomach feel weird for a while after lunch.

     Baked some bratwursts for dinner. It's just easier to drop something into the oven. I probably should have baked the chicken that I have in the fridge. Those chicken pieces have been in the fridge for the last couple of days and it would be a shame if they went bad just because I didn't get around to freezing them.



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