Keto/Sobriety Blog October 1, 2024

Weight: 346.8 lbs ( 157.6 kg) BMI: 44.6 Waist: 57in (144.8 cm) WtHr: 77% Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs Lunch: Bar-S Hot Dogs Dinner: Bratwursts Drinks: Pot of Coffee (1 t-spoon salt) Kroger Seltzer, Kroger Energy Shot, Powerade Zero Orange Sober Day 3 Had a hard time falling asleep last night. Not really uncomfortable, just couldn't fall asleep. There was a bit of confusion this morning at the clinic when I arrived. I had an email saying that I had an appointment for a Venipuncture. But when I got there they didn't have any thing showing that I was going to show up, but there was a gap in the schedule. And my main labs aren't due until December. They did what I think they called a CBM. The only thing that I can think of was that when I called the Wichita branch to say I couldn't come in because of work they canceled both of the appointments. After they drew the blood I was given a total. I was a bit shocked to hear that they wanted $15 for an appointment that I didn'

Oh, yeah. I was supposed to be doing something Keto/Sobriety Blog September 30, 2024

Weight: 347.4 lbs ( 157.6 kg)
BMI: 44.6
Waist: 57in (144.8 cm)
WtHr: 77%

Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs
Lunch: Instant Pot Chicken Drumsticks and Thighs
Dinner: Pork Steak
Drinks: Pot of Coffee (1 t-spoon salt) Many Cans Kroger Seltzer
Sober Day 2

I'm not going to lie, I woke up this morning doing math. I only have $40 in my checking account (don't worry my savings accounts each have about $100) The idea that I was balancing what size of case of beer do I want to buy. If I buy a small 12 pk I'll be too tempted to finish it all off and go buy another case, or if I buy a bigger case I'll have less money to last until Thursday when I get paid.

And then I got an email. An email reminding me that I have a doctors appointment for a Venipuncture tomorrow. That really put me into a mood. “Oh, yeah. I was supposed to be getting healthier!” The thing that I've been ignoring for the better part of the last six months. I've just been sitting on my butt drinking beer. Feeling worse, and worse for myself. So I'm not looking forward to that blood test. Or at least being confronted with the results of the tests when those come in.

You can lie on a blog, you can lie to your friends, you can lie to your family, you can even lie to yourself. But you can't lie to a medical scan. But I guess that did persuade me into avoid buying beer today. I already felt guilty enough, but I couldn't handle the idea of showing up to a medical scan with a hangover. 

I didn't buy any beer, but I did spend too much on some more seltzer water. I didn't overdraft, but I'll have to be careful tomorrow. There's another of the many habits that I need to work on. I really don't NEED to be constantly drinking something. I was drinking the seltzer like I would have normally drank beer. I would finish one can, and immediately reach for another can.  

Another annoyance for tomorrow is that I'm scheduled to work. I don't ask for much for scheduling, I just ask for Tuesdays off. But they just scheduled me to work. Nobody seems to know why I'm scheduled to work. But I'm not in a position to just not show up for work for a day because I don't want to work on a day. Another annoyance with being scheduled tomorrow is this afternoon I got another email from the clinic in Wichita saying that I'm scheduled for a DEXA Scan tomorrow afternoon. This is a scan that detects body fat/muscle/bone percentages. But since I have to work tomorrow I had to call to cancel that appointment. However Verizon was down most of the day. By the time the phone was back online they were closed. I called and got to their voicemail. I did get an email saying that the appointment was canceled. But later I got a text reminding me of the appointment tomorrow afternoon. I'll ask them in the morning if the appointment was canceled. I would ask to reschedule for next week, but neither the site nor the app that are supposed to show my schedule are showing my schedule past this week.

I didn't get to the YMCA today. The last couple of months I've been telling myself that I'm totally going to go “tomorrow” It really should not have taken so long to finish the dishes that I have been working on all week. Seriously it took me five hours to just wash the pans that was all that was left to do. I just kept finding myself back here at the computer zombie scrolling. 

I did get around to making a recipe video for tomorrow. As it is the first week of the month I had made a carnivore recipe video. I was going to make Beef Heart because I wanted to have October to be horror themed and I think I could have some fun making a video “CONSUMING THE HEART OF THE BEAST!!” but I didn't ever get around to buying a beef heart. I have a guess on to where to buy one, but I didn't get the guts to go and ask/buy one. Also I'm thinking that need to work on getting videos done before focusing on trying to limit myself to “themed months” So I just cooked some chicken thighs and drumsticks in the instant pot.


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